Principal's Message

By Judith Drew 






Parents are reminded that the Staff Car parks at the front and rear of the school are not for parent parking. Parents with a valid disabled pass may use the designated space at the front of the school..



Celebrating Science and Technology at Albany Rise – Thursday 17th August

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Running each year in August, it features more than 1000 events around Australia, including those delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, libraries, museums and science centres. These events attract a wide audience from children to adults, and science amateurs to professionals. Over one million people participate in science events across the nation.



As a school celebration, we set students up to solve a range of problems that tested their problem-solving skills, which involved innovation and required effective teamwork:


-      What is the tallest structure you can build using newspaper and just 1 metre of masking tape?

-     What is the strongest structure (holding the most weight) you can build, at least 50 cm off the ground?

-     What is the safest structure you can build that will protect an egg from falling from a height of at least 1 metre?


As educators we were reminded about how children love participating in ‘hands-on’ activities and being challenged to solve problems. There was also lots of mess, laughs, and broken eggs as a result. But more importantly, all students had the opportunity to participate and have fun engaging in science and technology. Who knows – we may have some innovative thinkers amongst us one day design a life-changing design/tool for us all.


Last Friday was a wonderful celebration of ‘Book Week’ characters. Students and staff joined in the fun and dressed as their favourite book character for the day. It was amazing how much effort went into costumes! We had our usual parade at 9.15am in the hall for everyone to share their costumes/characters. Thank-you, parents/guardians, for your efforts in preparing your child/children for our fun celebration! 


This week children have been involved in various classroom activities linked to this year’s short-listed books and have had the opportunity to VOTE on their favourite book. At assembly this Friday, our Library Leaders will draw out winners in our ‘Guess the Book’ competition. Good luck, everyone!


Juniors F-2

Seniors 3 - 6

Book Week Parade


FAMILY BINGO NIGHT – Parent’s Association Community Event – Saturday 19th August

Thank-you to the families who joined in the fun at our recent Family Bingo Night. We had at least 70 participants, which is a brilliant number for a first-time event. A special thank-you to Bronwyn Clarke and our hard-working parent’s association for organising the activities, food on the night and prizes. We have already received positive feedback and invite further suggestions on how we could make it even more effective if we did it again.


Another successful community event organised by our Parent’s Association – well done everyone!



This Thursday we have around 50 students from years 3-6 representing Albany Rise at the District Athletics competition, to be held at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track, Burwood Highway, East Burwood.


Congratulations to the students who qualified to represent their age group. We have many talented athletes at Albany Rise and each will have the opportunity to compete against other talented students from within our network.


I would like to wish all our participants all the very best and look forward to hearing about how well Albany Rise students demonstrate our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.


We hope to have as many parents as possible assist on the day. If you can help out, please contact Celia Kelsall (P.E Teacher/Co-ordinator)


EXCURSION/INCURSION PERMISSIONS AND PAYMENTS –  Please Assist Everyone by being Punctual

There are times parents/carers are required to log in to COMPASS to provide permission and payment for upcoming excursion and incursions. We try to give plenty of notice to complete these and even provide regular reminders. We ask that permissions and payments are completed BY THE DUE DATE to avoid unnecessary distress for students and staff. 


Unfortunately, we still have some parents/carer’s contacting the office on the day of the event, expecting staff to process requests at the very last moment. This puts unrealistic demands on our office staff and can even delay buses from leaving on time. Please assist by completing permissions and payments promptly, no later than the due date


Thanks for your understanding and assistance.


Michael Mottershead

Assistant Principal