Sports News

Sports News ~
Congratulations to Annelyse Johnson & Evie Ciancio who competed at the Aerobics National Titles in Adelaide on the 12th of August. Their team the Royals Cheerleading Team finished 6th. How amazing, we are so proud of our girls. The Revival Studio came away from the Titles with 5 gold medals, 7 silver medals & 5 bronze medals. The coaches Dan & Sean also won Coaches of the Year! What an achievement by all.
St. Mel's Netball:
Good luck in the finals this weekend to our 13 & Under Netball Team! Well done to our Year 6 students who have worked so hard this season with the amazing guidance of Laura Emanuelli & Rosie Campi as coaches. Great effort to all involved.
Photo to come!
Well done to all our other netball teams on a great season. We have seen so much growth, on the court & off, the teamwork this year has been fantastic. Thank you to all our parents for their support.
Here is our 11 & Under Team after receiving their medals on Saturday.
Well done to all involved!
Check out our Soccer/Netball Jumpers & Beanies!
Anyone who plays soccer or netball for St. Mel's has the opportunity to purchase these.
The next round of orders is happening now ~ please have your order forms in by 31st July.
Thank you to our sponsors: Jam Packed Coffee & Donuts, Shepparton Conveyancing Services & VADPAK.