News From Around The School ~

Early Years ~
Lower Years ~
3/4 Natural Disasters Inquiry Expo
For Inquiry this term we have been researching Natural Disasters. The children have been so proud of the work they have produced. We were so excited to have an expo to show our school community our learning. Thank you to all who were able to come and celebrate with the children.
Upper Years ~
Japanese Speech Competiton ~
Best wishes to our Japanese Extension students who are competing in the State-wide Languages Speech Competition this Sunday 27th August in Melbourne. Our students have been practising hard for the competition and we’re sure they will go well. Best wishes to the following students: Kai Henry, Indi Emanuelli, Ollie Kealy, Lara Tedesco, Arya Banning, Evie McNamara, Hayley Austin and Lily McNamara. Thank you to Demi for organising this excursion & helping our students in their preparation.
ASHEdaya ~ Monday 28th August
The ASHEdaya program promotes a correlation between traditional gameplay & connection to culture, whilst promoting physical activity to support a healthy lifestyle. Participants learn through expression and engagement in a culturally safe environment.
Our local ASHE Students will bring this special day to our school.
All are welcome to join us for our ASHEdaya - times as follows
9am - Welcome to Country & Smoking Ceremony
9.30 11.15am ~ P/1/2 Rotations of traditional games, cultural learning & face painting
12.05 - 1.55pm ~ Years 3-6 Rotations of traditional games, cultural learning & face painting
Water Week ~ 14 - 18th August
Water Week was last week from Monday, August 14th to Friday, August 18th. The theme for this year is “Every Drop Counts”. Students created their own door hangers, which will be a part of the competition, which is judged by a Goulburn Valley Water representative.
Water Week is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about water and how we can contribute and do our bit for a more sustainable future.
We will share our 2023 creations next fortnight.
St. Mel's Athletics Day ~ Friday 8th Sept
Guitar Lessons at St. Mel's ~
For Term 3 Mr Nick Teague is wanting to put on an extra guitar student.
- Lessons are run at school and during class time, but could perhaps be given at Lunch time.
- Students eligible: Gr3–Gr6 (although Nick reserves the right to take on younger students at his own discretion).
- Parents may contact Nick for details on:
Mr Nick Teague has been teaching the guitar in Shepparton schools for thirty years. He has a degree in Visual Arts, in which he was able to do a cross faculty subject titled Comprehensive Musicianship for a year and a half. He received honors for his Fourth Grade AMEB Classical guitar exam and is involved in Gospel Music. Nick teaches a range of guitar styles, from Heavy Metal, Rock and Pop, through to Classical Guitar.