Prayers &                    Acknowledgements                               & Birthdays 

St Mel’s Primary School would like to acknowledge the Yorta YortaNation, whose clans include Bangerang (Pangerang) Kaitheban, Wollithiga, Moira, Ulupna, Kwat Kwat, 

Yalaba Yalaba and Ngurai-illiam-wurrung, and pay our respects as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our school is situated.


Keep In your Prayers and Thoughts...


To all our students and families who are currently unwell.


To any of our students, families, staff and school community who may be grieving the loss of a loved one.


All our families, we pray to keep them safe and healthy as we commence this school year


Our teachers as they guide our children in the classroom.


"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matthew 21:22



St Mel’s Parish Prayer


God our Father,

Bless our Parish so that we may love you more. Encircle our families with your loving care.  Help parents to be good examples to their children and our youth to grow in strength as good Christians. 

To the sick, grant health. 

To the aged, bring serenity and to those in sorrow, joy.

May we grow stronger in faith and may our love for one another become

 deeper in our daily living. 



Let's Celebrate Birthdays at St. Mel's

Happy BirthdayAugust Babies!! 

Abigail Bulamba, Kristine Mott, Eli Armstrong, Keishah Bwihambi, Ollie Napier, Ridhaan Chaudhari, Lis Rodriguez, Belle Payne-Crosten, Mason Rogerson, Hadeel Abaid, Grace Ghiggioli, Hailee Brereton, Tyrone Viagedor, Ollie Burgess, Hunter McMurtrie,  Tom Bicknell,  Japman Sodhi, Oliver Kealy, Kesia Abedi, Jiya Gill, Shivank Patel, Paual Irvine and Helen Ciancio.  



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