Assembly Awards 

Friday 14th July

Principals Award


For displaying our school value of Excellence.

Has shown excellence through following his plan in and outside the classroom. He has shared his learning with a smile and enthusiasm. Well done Hunter it has been amazing to see your wonderful work! 





For displaying our school values of Care, Respect, Excellence and Community.

Every day since the very first day of school this year, Ollie has greeted me with the most welcoming and kindest “Good morning, Mrs Carey. How are you today?”  Every time I have walked into his class, he smiles and is eager to share his learning and progress. He is respectful to all students and teachers alike. A positive role model for our community.


Art Award

Foundation L

For demonstrating our school Learning Behaviour ‘Persistence,’ when learning how to make a paper loom and weave with strips of paper. The students listened attentively, worked hard at a new skill, and showed resilience when challenges arose. Fantastic effort everyone!


Foundation D

For showing ‘Respect’ when sharing the art room equipment, being patient with your work and helping to keep our Art Room clean and tidy. Fantastic effort everyone!

Japanese Award


For how well they worked together by encouraging and supporting others when practicing the play, 'The Bamboo Princess'.



For using inside voices in Japanese, I was also very pleased with how well you played the family game and completed the written tasks.

Performing Arts Award

3/4 C

For working hard to practice their Recorder and dance item for the Celebration of the Arts

PE Award

1/2 G

 For working cooperatively while participating in throwing rotations. They were very respectful towards each other and the equipment.



For the fantastic way you have challenged yourselves while working on basketball skills. Your dribbling has continued to improve each session.

Foundation D


Bridget is receiving this award today for her wonderful learning of addition in maths this week.

Foundation L


For the great effort he is putting in, to listen respectfully and raise his hand to share with the class.



For working extremely hard on her handwriting goals. She is focused and determined, and it shows in her work.

Foundation W


For working hard on learning your Hot Words. You have been doing a wonderful job – keep up the excellent work!



For aiming high in all areas of your learning. You listen carefully to instructions and always take your time to do your very best work. You are a wonderful role model to your classmates.



For displaying care and concern for your classmates when something has gone wrong. You are quick to check if someone is alright as well as stepping up to offer help. We appreciate you being so generous and kind. 



For working hard during writing this week, particularly your concentration and effort in writing a procedure for making a pizza. It is fantastic that you know your writing goal and are working towards achieving it. Well done, and I look forward to seeing more fantastic writing!



For showing excellence by improving the projection of this voice when reading.



For showing care by always showing kindness to all her classmates.




For sharing her kind-hearted gestures with our grade every day. We really appreciate the way she makes everybody feel happy by giving us a friendly smile. She always speaks in a respectful way and goes out of your way to be inclusive.


Dom M-O

For showing excellence during his Minilit lessons. He has tried very hard to remember and use sounds when reading unfamiliar words.



For staying focussed when working on tasks independently.  



For trying very hard to sound out words when spelling and are taking more care when writing the letters.  



For working hard to improve his reading and writing



For encouraging and supporting others in the grade



For her procedure writing over the last week. She persisted when thinking of a topic and showed excellence when drafting her writing.



For showing a good sense of community by welcoming a new member into our class. He supported him by showing him how we do things in 3/4A and helped him settle in. Chase is constantly helping others feel supported and encouraged within our class.



For producing a fantastic, engaging procedure this week. You worked hard to include everything we have been learning for the last 4 weeks. I was very impressed!



For the positive approach you took to maths this week. I like the way you approached our question and that you had an open mind and tried to find as many answers as possible.



For always modelling our school values of Care, Respect, Excellence and Community. Well done for listening carefully, persisting and striving for your personal best! 



For challenging himself to improve his knowledge of equivalent fractions. You used resources, accepted feedback and persisted when things got tough, well done! 



For consistently showing respect towards his peers and teacher.



For always trying her absolute best in her learning. 



For settling into his new grade and sharing in discussions.



For showing care in the classroom when working with others



For the way he has quietly joined our class and quickly picked up the classroom routine. 



For showing initiative in the classroom and for always being on the lookout to help others. 



For being a kind and caring classmate who always makes great choices and helps to solve problems.



For amazing work with writing and taking time to produce work of a high standard.  



For the amazing way you have contributed and listened to group members in your Literature Circle group. It was great to see you demonstrate such patience and sharing your thoughts with care. 



For doing an amazing job challenging yourself and working with such persistence through mathematic equations. Well done! 



For continuing to always do his best, Declan works hard asks questions and takes feedback in a mature manner.



For demonstrating respect for his teachers and classmates well done for making the most of your learning opportunities.