Principal's Report

Dear Families,


We have had another busy fortnight.


With events such as 100 days of schools where students dressed up in bright colours and did learning around all things 100. We then had Grandparents Day, where our Foundation students invited their grandparents to come and do some learning for the afternoon.


On Wednesday 9th August 33 Year 5/6 students headed out to Selkirk Stadium to compete in the Division Basketball tournament. All students did their best. The teamwork and sportsmanship we saw was outstanding. Well done to all players!


The Fortnight Ahead

Book Week Parade - Friday 18th August

Celebration of the Arts - Wednesday 23rd August - Early Dismissal - 3:00pm

Father's Day Stall - Thursday 31st August

Walkathon - Friday 1st September

Early Dismissal - 2:30pm for the Last Day of Term - Friday 15th September


School Starting and Finishing Times. 

This is a reminder that there are no staff on supervision duty until 8:45am. Please ensure that if you arrive before that time that you are supervising your child/ren. Afternoon duty finishes at 3:45pm, if you are running late to collect your child/ren please let the office know as soon as possible.


Heating Lunches

We have seen an increase in students requesting we heat their lunches up. To do this it’s taking away from the teaching time in the classroom. If you are wanting your young person to have a hot lunch, please prepare it in the morning and send to school in a thermos.


Cadbury Fundraiser

Thank you again to all families who supported our Cadbury Fundraiser last term. Congratulations to Maliah in 1/2G for selling the most chocolates (14 boxes). Maliah's family will receive $100 fuel for their fantastic effort. Well done!




Stay Warm!


Tegan Aquilina

Acting Principal