Notices from Senior School Student Reception

Vaccination Update

Final school vaccination clinic for the year will be held on Monday 4th September 2023, and the following groups of students will be eligible for vaccination:

  • Year 7 students whose parents/guardians have completed a consent form will receive the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (dTpa) vaccine.  Any Year 7 students who missed the HPV vaccine at earlier clinics will receive that vaccine, along with the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (dTpa) vaccine. 
  • Year 10 students whose parents/guardians have completed a consent form and who missed their Meningococcal ACWY vaccination at earlier clinics will receive that vaccine.

If you would like your child to receive the above vaccines at school and have not yet provided consent, please complete the Consent Form here:

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Ms Rebecca Kaczmarczyk

Senior School Administration Assistant