Learning and Teaching
Animal Planet - How can we share the planet with other living things?
This term, the Year 3 and 4 Learning Community have been learning about living things. They have been learning to classify living things based on their features and describe the relationship they have with their environment. As part of the learning, they examined and used the MRS GREN acronym to help remember all the necessary features of living organisms: Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition.
In their Literacy learning, the Learning Community examined non-fiction texts about living things and used them to gather information about different animals. They also analysed the presentation of these texts - how has the author and illustrator decided on the layout of the text and pictures? What information have they included? What is making me as a reader want to read more?
Poster Presentations
In the last few weeks, all the students have been researching, writing drafts, designing poster layouts and are finally up to creating their final copy for presentation. The first stage towards their final copy was designing poster layouts. They had to create three different layouts and justify their choices on layout. The images below show this. Each group then had to choose a layout they would transfer to their final poster.
The final posters are still in draft form. The students are carefully transferring their information in the design layout of their choice. The start of their posters are below.
The Year 3 and 4 Learning Community have learned many different skills over the term. These have included deepening their research skills, working in teams, analysing visual designs, communicating information clearly and many more. Next week, they will present their posters to each other and celebrate their learning.
Deborah Courtney
Director of Learning and Teaching