Learning In My Level
A celebration of what's happening across the school!
Learning In My Level
A celebration of what's happening across the school!
Oh what a knight! Whoops, we mean…what a term!!! Well done to all our talented performers. Their dedication, hard work and persistence paid off. There was nothing but positive feedback and 5/6 students should be so proud of themselves. Thank you to all the extra teacher and parent helpers we had on both nights, your help was greatly appreciated. Congratulations to Ms Campbell and Ms Geilings for the amazing work you put into this show, all the extra hours and organisation did not go unnoticed.
As part of the grant from the Whitehorse Council, we were also lucky to have some workshops prior to the production. These included a vocal exercise workshop with the Youth Theatre Company and a technical session with Peter Lyons. Our students gained lots of skills and tips to use in the production.
In other news, we have been quite busy in the classroom around production rehearsals. We learnt about local, federal and state government plus explored the difference between migrants and refugees. Students researched some famous Australian refugees, the age they moved countries and also located their place of birth on the world map.
During reading, we completed our class novel, “You Don’t Know What War Is” and found a new appreciation for the safe place we live in. Throughout the novel, students consolidated their comprehension skills and explored the themes that were prevalent in the book. The fact that is was written by a 12 year old girl during war, with the daily diary entries of what her and her family were going through, was engaging and interesting to read.
We have covered so many topics in maths this term and during production week students from 5/6 were given the choice of a revision task. These revision tasks covered a range of concepts from fractions, decimals, area and perimeter to measurement conversion. Some students were planning parties, some were completing a garden project and others were completing a bowling alley project using their revision skills.
In writing, we explored the structure of newspaper articles and the purpose of journalism. Students were given the opportunity to draft and publish an article of choice regarding recent news in our community or school. The Matilda’s penalty shootout game was a popular one and of course, the school disco. Direct and indirect quotes were used along with catchy headlines with some exaggeration to hook the reader in. The 5/6 students also discovered a terrible Freddo Frog crime had been committed by one of the 5/6 teachers. Freddo wrappers were left scattered in one corner but no chocolate to be found…anywhere! Like true journalists, clues were read, photos were taken and articles were written with various teachers targeted for this chocolate crime.
We’ve had a very successful term, both in and out of the classroom! Well done 5/6 team!