Wellbeing & Engagement
Today is a great day to be you!
Wellbeing & Engagement
Today is a great day to be you!
A reminder that this Sunday from 9am-12pm, our Term 3 Working Bee will be in full swing! The weather might not be looking fantastic - but we would still love to see as many families coming along as possible to help us out with tidying up the grounds.
Please see the attached flyer for more details.
We look forward to seeing you at the school and would like to thank any volunteers in advance for attending and helping to keep our school a beautiful place!
Our Fathering Project team is very excited for what's coming up this Sunday from 1pm-5pm - our annual LEGO Masters event!
Come along for a fun-filled LEGO-packed afternoon. There will be plenty of fun activities to take part in - and maybe a special guest or two!
Please make sure you register at the Trybooking link. We look forward to seeing you there!
Next Thursday 14th September, is R U OK? DAY. This day is all about checking in on others around you - the theme this year is "I'm here, to hear".
We can all make a huge difference to our loved ones by simply listening - we won't always have the answers and can't always fix every problem, however listening with empathy and understanding, without judgement and even without providing advice (which is sometimes unwanted anyway!) can make a world of difference.
On R U OK? Day, we encourage our students to wear a 'splash of yellow' (school uniform still required). The 'splash of yellow' could be a ribbon in the hair, a bracelet, yellow hairspray, yellow zinc on the face, socks, shoelaces, and so on.
Most importantly - choose someone to ask... R U OK?
And finally, Friday 15th September - the last day of Term 3 - will be our annual Billy Cart and Footy Colours Day! We encourage all students to dress up in their favourite footy team colours - or if they do not follow footy, any sporting team/colours is fine!
We hope students (or parents...) have put some work into billy carts and we look forward to seeing some wonderful creations! For those planning on participating in the races, we ask that billy carts are brought to school from 8:30am onwards and parked in the 'pit stop' area marked out on the grassphalt - staff members will be around before school to support you! Races will begin as soon as all classes are outside - we are aiming for a 9:15am start.
Students participating need to bring back a signed permission slip no later than Wednesday 13th September. We do need finalised numbers by this date to allow time to plan the races across the morning. If you child showed interest, they will have brought home a permission form - which you can also find attached here:
The races and footy songs will run until approximately 11:30am.
Note: This event is weather-dependent. We are very hopeful of a dry morning, but if we need to make a decision about cancelling, we will send out a whole-school notification before school. Regular classroom/specialist classes will resume if this eventuates.
We will round out the final day with a whole school assembly in the gym from 2:00pm-2:30pm. Students will be dismissed at the end of the assembly for the school holidays.
I hope you all have a restful school holiday period!
Liam Sommers
Assistant Principal
Wellbeing and Engagement