Year 2 Celebration Newsletter


In Reading, our students have been immersed in a world of words and stories. They have honed their reading skills, focusing on determining the importance of various elements in both fiction and non-fiction texts. Our young readers have also become adept at asking insightful questions about the texts they encounter, enhancing their comprehension.

In Writing our students have been working diligently on expressing their thoughts and ideas with clarity. They've explored fact and opinions and are well on their way to becoming persuasive writers. Additionally, they’re embarked on the journey of creating information reports, where they’ve honed their research and reporting skills. The writing process has been a fascinating journey for Year 2 students. From drafting their initial ideas to organizing their thoughts into well-structured pieces, they've shown incredible growth. We're excited to announce that some of their published pieces are well above standard.



In the world of numeracy, our students have been busy mastering key mathematical concepts. They've developed strong multiplication and division skills, explored the concept of chance, and dived into the world of shapes and transformations. Their knowledge of location on maps has also expanded, making them well-versed in both practical and abstract mathematics.



This term our students have embarked on an exciting inquiry journey titled "Topic Down Under Discoveries." They've explored fascinating places in Australia, delved into the locations in our local community, and even dived into understanding different types of weather patterns. This inquiry has sparked curiosity and an eagerness to explore the world around us.



Throughput term 3, we've had some enjoyable incursions, including an engaging session on Responsible Pet Ownership, where we met Molly. Molly and her ownership taught us how to care of and look after our pets. We even learnt how to act and be responsible when faced with a strange dog. An enlightening visit from Western Water, informed students about the water cycle and conservation. 


School Production:

We are overjoyed to see so many students step out of their comfortable zones and showcase their talents in our school production titled "Kismet in Storyland." It was a captivating event, with our young stars shining brightly on stage. 


We couldn't be prouder of our Year 2 students and their enormous achievements in Literacy, Numeracy, and Inquiry throughout this term. We look forward to celebrating their growth and success in term 4 and watching them continue to thrive in their academic journey. 

Stay tuned for more updated and exciting events in term 4!


Warm Regards


Year 2 Team

Donna Matthews

Felicity Dobson

Christian Bojko


Celebrating a Successful Term of Learning in Specialist Classes


We are delighted to share with you the incredible achievements and hard work of our students this term in our Specialist classes. The Kismet in Story Land production was a remarkable collaboration of all Specialist classes, showcasing the diverse talents and skills of our young learners.


The production brought together the Performing Arts skills acquired in singing, acting, and stage movements, as well as the Physical Education skills developed in fine and gross motor skills through dance. Additionally, the Visual Art skills that students acquired were put to great use in creating stunning props and costumes that added a touch of magic to the show. Our Japanese Buddy scene showcased the fine work in languages and traditional folklore. 


We are immensely proud of all our students for their dedication and commitment to learning in all Specialist areas. They have demonstrated great enthusiasm and a genuine passion for exploring their talents and acquiring new skills. The Kismet in Story Land production truly reflected their hard work and dedication.


As we approach the end of the term, let us celebrate the achievements of our students and acknowledge their hard work. We look forward to more exciting opportunities in the next term, where our students can continue to grow, learn, and showcase their talents in Specialist areas.



This term in Japanese we had a whole school focus on self introductions. The Grade 2 students learnt how to say “Nice to meet you”, “My name is…”, “I am … years old”, “I like…”, “I live in…” and “I’m in grade 2”. On Tuesday 1st August, our school hosted Japanese students from Nagano High School, the sister school of Sunbury College. The Grade 2s had the opportunity to introduce themselves to our visitors, showed them around their classrooms and made origami. This term students also continued to develop their understanding of the Japanese writing system through various activities and build their vocabulary through games, songs and crafts.