Friendly Reminders
Moonlit Sanctuary
Sick children
Just a friendly reminder that COVID is still very much active in our community. We have a number of confirmed cases and close contacts and I would like to take this opportunity to go through the steps to follow if your child is unwell.
- If your child is showing cold, flu or COVID symptoms they must remain at home. RATs are still available and you need to test your child.
- If your child is COVID positive, please let the school know as soon as possible. Your child must remain home until they are negative. If they are still showing symptoms and feeling unwell despite a negative test result, please keep them at home until they are well.
- If your child is a close contact, please also advise the school.
We have entered the season of coughs and colds and we all know how these spread quickly in the classroom. I know many of your children don't like missing school, but if they are unwell they must remain at home to prevent illness spreading through the rest of our community.