Whats Happening In RE

Islamic Science and Research Academy Workshop

Year 12 Studies of Religion 

Wednesday 6th of September Lessons 1-4


The in depth study of Islam in Studies of Religion is invaluable for broadening the world view of our students and preparing them to be empathetic and sensitive to the diversity of faiths they will encounter in the future. We are excited to welcome a delegation from the Islamic Science and Research Academy (ISRA) to speak to Year 12 Studies of Religion this coming Wednesday September 6. ISRA have been booked to run sessions from lessons 1 to 4 so that students can learn about Islam from adherents who seek to live its tenets in every aspect of their life. Many of us haven’t had the opportunity to listen to somebody speak about their faith life, particularly if they are from a religion outside of Christianity. It is one thing to learn the theory but encountering a person who lives and breathes it ought to provide crucial context and stimulus for improved responses in the HSC exam held in Term 4. 


 The speakers will address essential content for the Islam section of the HSC exam including: 

  • Hajj
  • Aisha
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Religion and Peace

Year 12 students have also prepared questions for the speakers which will be addressed on the day. 


The Catholic Church and Islam

In Nostra Aetarte, the Declaration On The Relation Of The Catholic Church To Non-Christian Religions, “the Church regards with esteem [people of the Islamic faith]” acknowledging that they “adore the one God … merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth”. The Church also recognises that in Islam, adherents “profess to hold the faith of Abraham, revere Jesus as a prophet” and ”honor Mary, His virgin Mother, calling on her with devotion” (Nostra Aetarte 3). Islam and Christianity share much in common including a shared value of the moral life and worship of God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting. 


Attendance at all ISRA sessions is compulsory for Year 12 Studies of Religion students. 




David Chaston | Acting-Leader Of Mission & Faith Formation.