What a term! It feels like it has flown by, the students continue to impress us every day with what they can do. Thank you for your support this term, we appreciate that we can work as a team to have the best outcomes for our kids.
We have been learning to identify and talk about key parts of stories, including characters, problems and solutions. Students have been practising inferring how characters are feeling in our books and exploring messages in different stories (things the authors want us to learn). Along with all these things, students have been learning about how the following 2 letters represent 1 sound, sh, ch and th.
We have been learning to write our own stories. Students have been developing characters, problems and solutions. We have been focusing on including extra details in our writing to make it interesting for the reader. The students have been working really hard to create some fantastic pieces of writing.
We have been learning many different things in maths, including money, subtraction, addition and shape. In our unit of work on money, students created their own shops and demonstrated being a shopkeeper and a customer modelling using money for these transactions. Within our shape unit, we looked at 2D and 3D objects. Students explored different locations looking for these shapes, labelled these shapes and explored the features of these shapes.
We have been learning about and explaining who is in our families and how we label these family members. Students have been talking about uncles, aunties, grandparents and cousins. We have also explored the roles of family members in different households.
Book Week Photos
It was amazing to see our students dressed up as their favourite characters. Thank you to the huge effort families put into making this happen! We know it isn't easy and we are thankful to you. It is true what they say, 'Reading is Magic.'
Spelling Bee
The students each had a turn at spelling a word in the classroom, until we found an overall winner. It was brilliant to see everyone having a growth mindset and trying their best! Congratulations to our overall winner in Prep... Jack!
We sent this out on Compass but in case you missed it, here it is.
Brain Food
During the morning sessions, students are encouraged to bring fruit, vegetables or yogurt to eat during this time. We ask that these are in a small container and can be eaten with one hand to minimise interruptions.
The students have continued to share their learning on the Seesaw app and it has been wonderful to see families engaging with this. This will continue to happen throughout the year. If you need support accessing Seesaw, please reach out to us.
Bring on Term 4!