This term in Maths, students will build on their skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They will also learn strategies for understanding and solving worded problems.
We will continue to have a subscription to Times Table Rock Stars until the end of the year, we encourage students to use this program at home if they have access to a device. This program is a fantastic way for students to practise their multiplication and division facts. Attached below is a photo of the website. Please see your child's teacher for their code.
In Numeracy, students will be learning to:
Year 3:
- Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction as inverse operations, apply to partition numbers and find unknown values in number sentences
- Extend and apply knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to 20 to develop efficient mental strategies for computation with larger numbers without a calculator
- Recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts for 3, 4, 5 and 10; extend and apply facts to develop the related division facts
- Identify symmetry in the environment
- Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key features
- Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, area, mass and capacity
Year 4:
- Find unknown values in numerical equations involving addition and subtraction, using the properties of numbers and operations
- Recall and demonstrate proficiency with multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts, and explain the patterns in these; extend and apply facts to develop efficient mental and written strategies for computation with larger numbers without a calculator
- Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies
- Explain and compare the geometric properties of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects
- Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths, masses, capacities and temperatures
The other applied Maths units that students will be exploring include 3D shapes, symmetry, mass and capacity.