Reading & Writing
Reading & Writing
This term, the Grade 3/4s are starting a new serial read, 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. This text is about a boy named Michael who washes up on a deserted island, only to discover he's not alone. There, he meets a man named Kensuke. Our class serial read this term links in with our Unit of Work about 'Sustainable Transport'.
We encourage students to continue picking books that are engaging and challenging. We ask that students read these daily at home if possible. To extend your child, you could ask them questions about the texts they have been reading to deepen their comprehension.
In Reading, students will be focusing on:
Grade 3/4 students will be delving into letters, persuasive texts and newspapers this term in Writing. Students will be required to follow the writing stages to produce published pieces of work.
In Writing, students will be learning to: