Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.



Week 9


Aadhya S 

For being a creative and motivated student during our musical rehearsals. You sing with a beautiful and loud voice and are animated in your dance moves. Your energy motivates our class to be the best performers we can be. Well done!



For being a creative learner who shared his ideas and originality in every production rehearsal.  He quickly grasped what was needed to carry his role and make the most out of this stage experience. Well done Daniel!



For being a resilient learner. You always come to school with a big smile and a positive attitude, ready to learn and do your best. You never give up, even when things are challenging, and you stay focused and determined to complete your work. Your ability to come to the carpet quickly and be ready to learn, without distracting others, sets a great example for your classmates. Keep up the amazing work, Saachi! Your resilience and positivity make you a star learner in our classroom! 



For being a motivated learner who showed determination to improve his learning at school. He tried hard to limit distractions around him so he could focus on his learning. Chhaz was so motivated this week that he insisted on reading 15 books to Marlene in one day!! We love watching you grow as a learner each day Chhaz, well done! 



For being a resilient learner this past week who has shown growth working collaboratively in small groups and the whole class. Your actions this week have demonstrated that you have worked on bouncing  back when learning challenges arise. This has resulted in further having lots of fun during projects and games with your classmates, well done Felicity. 



For being a reflective learner by doing her best and a little bit more in ALL learning areas! Frankie spent last week reflecting on how she can uplevel her learning tasks and even had exciting  ‘lightbulb’ moments during mathematics! She has also stepped up and taken on the role of Mary Poppins, putting her heart and soul into being a shining star. Well done Frankie, you are absolutely spectacular! 



For being a reflective learner and taking on board feedback for his acting in the musical rehearsals. You are projecting your voice and making more eye contact with the audience. Keep up the great work, Mehtab!



For being a collaborative learner who is always willing to encourage and support his peers. Darren listens respectfully to others and cooperates effectively in small groups. Well Done Darren. 



For being a resilient learner during our maths lessons. Your determination and resilience in completing the tasks was good even though some tasks were a challenge. You responded to the feedback and persevered through the lessons. It has been pleasing to watch your love for maths grow this term. Keep up the dedication and positive mindset, Alicia. 



For being a reflective learner in Writing this week. You used your story plan to help guide you whilst you wrote your story. You then used it to help you self assess if you had included all the key parts of a narrative. When editing, you also made some thoughtful changes, adding show don’t tell to help your reader to visualise.. Fantastic work Lydia!



For being a curious learner.  You have lots of interests and are always looking for the reasons behind something and searching for answers.  You are positive about your learning and enjoy challenging yourself, especially in the areas of Writing and Maths.  You help inspire others to be curious too!  Well done Dexter!

Week 10



Well done for being a shining star who truly shined on stage as Kermit the Frog for our Greatest Show musical! You delivered a remarkable performance that captivated the audience. Your dedication, talent, and courage are an inspiration to all. Well done!


Whole class

For being a collaborative learner dedicated to putting on a wonderful performance. For learning your words, moves and what others around you needed so that you could help each other.  For leading by example or following good examples when you felt a bit shy on stage. Well done PREP N, every single one of you is a shining star and we can’t wait to do another musical with you.



For being a resilient during our school show! Even though you were exhausted, you demonstrated great strength by turning up to school the next day bright and ready to learn. Your dedication to your learning is inspiring. Keep up the fantastic work, Anika! Your perseverance and positive attitude are shining examples to everyone around you.



This award is presented to Arya for demonstrating resilience during the concert performance! Despite facing unexpected last-minute changes, Arya stayed calm, focused, and gave her best on stage. Her ability to adapt and shine under pressure is something she should be proud of. Well done, Arya, for showing that resilience helps you overcome any challenge! 



For being a creative learner this week in class. Despite the distraction of the school concert you continued to work hard and focus on your learning goals. We have been very impressed with your recount writing and your interesting comments about our class book ‘The Snail and the Whale’. Well done Ethan. Keep it up! 



For being a resilient learner in the classroom and at the greatest show! You were so responsive to instructions in the hall and tried your best on stage. You should be very proud! 



For being a resilient learner who was driven to improve his performance in “Chim Chimney”. Thanks for your listening in the gym and your enthusiasm on stage. Well done. 



For being a creative learner who sang with an expressive and unique style in the choir. Well Done Brandon! 



For being a resilient learner who has demonstrated resilience throughout all the practices of the musical. You faced your challenges and still managed to keep a smile on your face and contribute to our class performance. Well done, Louis



For being a motivated learner. You demonstrated this last week in Maths, when we created tessellations. You sought out and applied feedback, and did not give up when you found the task challenging! Keep asking questions and driving your learning Louie! 



For being a motivated learner.  You drive yourself to succeed and have high expectations for yourself.  An example of this is rehearsing our musical, going to District Aths and having swimming trials all on the same day.  Keep setting goals and striving to always improve.  Thanks Immanuel!