From the Senior Leadership

On Thursday 12 September we celebrated our new student leaders for 2024-2025 at our commissioning ceremony. We were delighted to have parents and family members join us in this wonderful community celebration followed by morning tea in our Cafe Central.
Thank you to all of the students in Year 7-11 who have accepted the privilege and responsibility of a student leadership role. We would like to congratulate the following leaders and look forward to working with you over the coming 12 months.
Student Leaders for Term 4 Year 7 and Year 8, 2025
Gilmore: Sarah Baker
Jackson: Alice Berta
Kenny : Alannah Youssef
Macarthur: Charlee Frazer
Mackillop: Sienna Cross
Wright: Caitlin Woodhead
Student Leaders for Term 4 Year 8 and Year 9, 2025
Gilmore: Isabel Forsyth
Jackson: Grace Borg
Kenny: Grace Peters
Macarthur: Seerat Kaur
Mackillop: Abby Hurst
Wright: Sophia Xia
Student Leaders for Term 4 Year 9 and Year 10, 2025
Gilmore: Clarisse Lim
Jackson: Ninaveh Slewa
Kenny: Madeleine Piggott
Macarthur: Tahlee Lewin
Mackillop: Cassandra McCaw
Wright: Ariana Viera
Student Leaders for Term 4 Year 10 and Year 11, 2025
Gilmore: Olivia Anastasio
Jackson: Fatima Syeda
Kenny: Shayma Hallani
Macarthur: Anastasia Rubelj
Mackillop: Marchella Isabell
Wright: Dilpreet Kaur
Student Leaders for Term 4 Year 11 and Year 12, 2025
Maddison Rathbone
Jasmine Slack
Annelise Su’a
Olivia McArdle
Amber Saxby
Madison Jenkins
Hannah Youssef
Jacinta Flood
Sara Malinowsky
Kaitlyn Grima
Lilli-Maree Hudson
Charlotte Francica
Nishika Talusani
College Vice Captains 2024-2025:
Tahlya Johnson
Scarlett Storr
Nekea Talaia
College Captain 2024-205:
Ava Barbara
Congratulations once again to our student leaders for 2024-205.
We wish you all every success as you embark on your leadership journey.
Congratulations to the Year 11 students and the Year 10 Studies of Religion II Accelerated students who have successfully completed their examinations this week. The students were well prepared and approached the exams with seriousness and a positive attitude. It will be important for them to take on board the feedback from their teachers that they receive as they prepare to begin their HSC courses next term.
On Wednesday 25 September we will be celebrating the Year 12 Graduation Award Ceremony at the college from 4pm - 6pm. This event will be live streamed so all members of the college community, families and friends can watch live or at a later date. A link will be sent via Compass on Tuesday 24 September and a reminder link will be sent fifteen minutes before the event on Wednesday 25 September. We look forward to celebrating this momentous occasion with our Year 12 Graduating students.
Year 12 Graduation Award Ceremony - Livestream
Thank you to all of the staff that will be running study sessions over the holiday break for the students in Year 12. These study sessions are designed to help students prepare for the upcoming HSC Examinations which begin on Wednesday 11th October. A timetable of these 2024 HSC September/October Holidays Study Sessions has been provided to assist students and parents with planning personal revision schedules. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to refine their skills and knowledge.
It is important that we have a record of all staff and students that are on site each day during the holidays in case of an emergency. Students and staff are asked to sign in and out using the QR code that will be provided in the study session.
The HSC exams begin Tuesday 15 October. Not all exams start at the same time. It is imperative that Year 12 students check when their HSC examinations are on and what time they commence. To assist with this we suggest students have two copies printed out, one copy on display for them and a second copy for parents.
Students can view their personalised timetable in Students Online
You can also download a PDF version of the timetable (PDF 275.74KB).
Students are reminded that they need to be at school 30 minutes prior to the first English examination on Tuesday 15 October. Students are to check the exam equipment list on the 2024 HSC Exam Timetable which clearly lists the equipment that can and cannot be taken into the exam room. Students must be present for all of their HSC examinations. If they are sick or something prevents them from attending, a parent or the student must contact the college immediately. There are no rescheduled exams. Students are to wear full school summer uniforms for their HSC Exams. Sport uniforms may be worn on Thursdays.
Best wishes to our Year 12 students for their upcoming HSC exams.
This week we had the pleasure of attending the VET Human Services (Nursing) course Graduation. We had Aliyah Khalil, Phoebe Kruzic, Samantha Tornatore, Emerson Williams & Madelyn Demenezes join other students of Western Sydney and Blue Mountains area health service who completed their course and clinical placement in a hospital setting, these students have demonstrated an enthusiasm for this learning pathway. On the night Emerson Williams won the award for Academic Excellence in the Jamison 1 group, congratulations to Emerson and to all the girls and we wish them every success in the future.
With the start of Term 4, we move to summer uniform requirements. This means students do not have to wear blazers to and from school. On cooler days, students can wear jumpers or blazers to and from school. These are the uniform expectations throughout Term 4 and Term 1 next year.
It is timely as we progress into our holiday break that we re-check skirt length to ensure it is knee length when standing tall. A number of students have been given notes by Year Leaders and homeroom teachers indicating this is not the case. Even if your daughter has not been given a note, parents are asked to check this before school returns for Term 4. The holiday will give an opportunity to have hems taken down or, if needed, a new skirt purchased from Lowes in Penrith Plaza. Please also be aware of the expectations with make-up, eyelash extensions and nails. These should be reserved for outside of school events or weekends, and as such are not suitable or safe for a school context. We ask for your full support and cooperation in ensuring that students return to school after the holiday break ready for learning according to our high expectations in uniform.
Mrs Julie Petrovski and Ms Debbie White
Assistant Principals