Year Four - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Parents,


This week students have watched the movie ‘Storm Boy’ to consolidate their understanding of the text and gain a new understanding of the text in a different medium. Students completed activities related to the text and compared the novel to the movie. Students also had the opportunity to write a final copy of their information reports based on the Coorong. 


A number of students completed their First Holy Communion on the weekend and it was wonderful to see them dressed up, reverent and enjoying the special occasion. It was a blessed experience for all. 


Religious Education focus: The students completed their learning of the Eucharist through a post assessment where they made connections to Passover, Scripture and Mass. Next term, students will focus on the mission month of October and the events leading up to Christmas such as Advent.


Mathematics focus: Students will begin Term 4 by revisiting multiplication and division and learning the strategies that will support them in solving multiplication and division problems.  


English focus: Next term, we will begin a new class novel “The Wild Robot” for our reading focus. The story is about a robot who finds herself in the wilderness and finds a way to survive this new life through adapting, resilience and making friends along the way. For writing, students will be delving into persuasive writing and learning all the features that make their writing persuasive. 


Social/ Emotional Learning & RRRR: Next term students will be learning about positive gender relations and about their rights and responsibilities as a child. We will continue to learn about respect, and how we can be respectful towards others.


Auslan: In Auslan students will begin Unit 7 where they will learn various vocabulary related to colours and learning that in Auslan they first sign the object and then the adjective to describe it.


Week 1 - Term 4

Monday 7th of October - Term 4 begins 
Tuesday 8th of October 
Wednesday 9th of October 
Thursday 10th of October 
Friday 11th of October 


The last three First Communion Masses are on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of September. 


We are a Sun Smart school and Term 4 will see the weather warming up. Students MUST wear a hat during outdoor activities and play. Any students not wearing a hat will not be allowed to play and will need to sit quietly in the shaded area of the nook. Please ensure that your child has a school hat or any navy blue hat to wear during Term 4. 


Important Dates

  • Monday 7th October - First Day Term 4

We hope you enjoy the term break and we look forward to seeing our students back in Term 4.


Kind regards, 


Susan Boyes on behalf of the Year 4 team