Student Leaders 

News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award is given to a student who demonstrates one or all of our school values:    Community      Excellence     Respect


Congratulations to Indigo in Year 1/2 for always demonstrating our school values,  for all her positive enthusiasm  and her incredible smile!    Well done Indigo!!


Class Awards                 Term 3         Week  9

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning. We acknowledge collaboration and initiative as well

as resilience and kindness shown in their classroom this week.


GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



LendrickTrying to make good use of class time.

Prep SV



LeviFor your great work practicing our concert piece.

1/2  AS



JacobGreat work with his reading! Well done Jacob!

1/ 2  DG



MarleyFor your wonderful inquiry presentation on Malta!

1/ 2 MB







For working hard on his math tasks this week and always trying to improve. Great job Atticus! 


For her incredible enthusiasm in our school concert and always supporting her peers.  

3/4 TR



TsnuLeading the class singing during concert practices with a happy, positive smile and attitude.

3/ 4  SK








Thank you for always being so helpful and ensuring our classroom is running smoothly. We appreciate you so much.


Well done on your narrative lincoln, your creative ideas and use of figurative language is fabulous.

3/ 4  VA







Your great work in Numeracy and interesting contributions to our discussions. 


Her happy and positive attitude to school and life in general.  Keep smiling Jennifer. 

5/6  FA



Goran For showing great leadership in supporting a classmate.

5/6 BOC



Cam For always leading with honesty and integrity. We are so proud of you, Cam.

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton 


Shanaya 3/4TR




For jumping right into dance rehearsals with a positive attitude and style!





Mrs Mcleary




For always being focused in class and helping his classmates when needed




Congratulations to Ignatius  for winning the Term 3 House Points. Students in Ignatius House had extra play at snack on Tuesday afternoon.

The House points will start again for Term 4 and the challenge is set for Loyola and Montserrat !!



Congratulations to ALL the students that have been caught being good this term!!

Well done to you for making our school such a positive, fun and kind environment to come and learn!! Thank you to all the students that nominate a fellow student by ''catching'' them being good!!




Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

No SRC Meeting this week

SRC will meet again next term!



Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader