Parish News

SAUSAGE SIZZLE: St Agatha’s Youth group will be hosting a sausage sizzle next Sunday after 9.00am & 10.45am.
MONTHLY CUPPA: St Agatha’s Pastoral Council would like to introduce a monthly cuppa after 10.45am Mass each month. We would encourage each parish group or individuals to host a session. If you can assist, please contact the Parish Office on 5996 1985.
MIGRANT AND REFUGEE SUNDAY: “God walks with His people”, is the title chosen by Pope Francis for his Message for the upcoming World Day of Migrants and Refugees. The Holy Father reminds us that all of us, God’s people, are migrants on this earth, on our way to the “true homeland”, the Kingdom of Heaven. St Agatha’s Parishioners are invited to Mass at St Michael’s Berwick, 29thSeptember at 3.00pm. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Greg Bennet, together with Fr Jeff, Fr Paul and priests and deacons from our Diocese, followed by a sit-down function in the Stadium. If you are from African descent and wish to attend, please bring your National Flag. Please contact Dorota Shields at the Parish Support Centre on 9707 1355 or if you can assist in any way. If you are bringing food, (no nuts please) please list all the ingredients used. Also, if you have your country’s flag and would like to carry it into the Church, please let the Parish know, as we already have a large number of flags. You are encouraged to wear national dress from your country of origin. Everyone welcome!!
AUSTRALIA NEEDS FATIMA: Public Rosary will be held on Saturday 12 October after 9.30am Mass on the lawn in front of the Church.
DIVINE KIDS Sunday Bible Class for our kids and teenagers, aged 5 to 15, Sunday from 10.00am to 10.45am in the parish hall.
NEW GROUPS OR ACTIVITIES: If you wish to introduce an activity or new group to the parish, please make an appointment to speak to either Fr Antony or Fr Prabhu before making any other arrangements, thank you.