Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Louis 3B for always putting in 100% effort within P.E and doing it with a big smile on his face. Keep up the awesome work Louis!

Visual Arts - Eric 5A Eric has shown great determination and engagement in art.  He shows fantastic focus and resilience and has come such a long way with being independent in Art. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”. Congratulations Eric!

Performing Arts - Jasmine 6A for displaying pride, integrity and enthusiasm while presenting her Genre Remix of a nursery rhyme using digital technology. Well done for creating a compelling synchronised arrangement while demonstrating melody and effects to make this song engaging!

Chinese - Norwayne FB for being a good learner and showing great engagement in Chinese class. She actively answers teacher’s questions and participates in all class activities. Keep up the fantastic work, Norwayne!


LLI (Year 1) - Kyrie 1B has been recognised for listening attentively during LLI learning sessions throughout this week. Kyrie, you should feel proud of the effort that you are applying to improve your reading skills. Keep up the great work ! 😊


6B - Aadi for completing classroom tasks to a very high standard and setting challenging goals to further his learning. Keep it up!


5B - Eleesha for settling into 5B so well. You are consistently trying your best with your work. It is amazing to see you strive to improve your work and constantly try your best. Thank you Eleesha.

5C - Jane for showing good sportsmanship when participating in sports and classroom activities. Well done for showing collaboration and being a good friend to your classmates. Keep it up! 


4A - Bosilija for making such amazing learning growth in her reading this term. She has applied her efforts and focus to improving her reading fluency, accuracy and comprehension. Well done Bosilija! We are very proud of your achievements!

4B - Ethan has been recognised by his peers for being a respectful and helpful class member. He has helped others both in the classroom and in the yard. Keep up the great effort!

4C - Aiden for demonstrating respect, collaboration and resilience. He used his expertise to support his classmates during learning. His growing resilience also shone through in moments when he faced challenging situations. Keep up the fantastic work, Aiden!


3A - Sofia for always being a highly determined learner, who takes pride in her learning and quality of work.  I am so proud of you, Sofia! You always strive to do your best. Well done!

3B - Anthony for the awesome work you have put into your maths learning this week! It’s great to see you trying your best and asking questions when you’re unsure. Keep it up, Anthony!

3C - Christina for taking pride in her learning by regularly contributing to discussions. Christina is an active listener during collaboration tasks.


2A - Selihom for being a kind and caring member of our class and always being willing to help her peers!

2B - Andrew for demonstrating the school expectation of being a  learner. He contributed well to class discussions and it's great to see his confidence grow this year. Keep up the great work Andrew!

2C - Afnan for being a respectful and considerate class member and consistently displaying the DPW school values. Excellent work, Afnan!


1B - Luke for his continuous hard work and dedication to his learning. Luke has shown Resilience and Integrity by taking on teacher feedback and showing whole body listening in every lesson. Well done Luke.

1A - Nathan for working on the strategy of counting on. He has been listening to feedback and trying his best to solve addition problems. Well done Nathan! 


FB - Hevani for demonstrating collaboration. Hevani helped her classmate engage and complete set learning tasks in Writing. She also celebrated their achievements. You are a wonderful member of FB. Keep it up, Hevani!


Highlighted Students

Lower Primary: 

LLI (Year 1) - Kyrie 1B has been recognised for listening attentively during LLI learning sessions throughout this week. Kyrie, you should feel proud of the effort that you are applying to improve your reading skills. Keep up the great work ! 😊


Upper Primary: 

Performing Arts - Jasmine 6A for displaying pride, integrity and enthusiasm while presenting her Genre Remix of a nursery rhyme using digital technology. Well done for creating a compelling synchronised arrangement while demonstrating melody and effects to make this song engaging!