Important dates
Important dates
Students must wear a school hat while outdoors
Students must wear a school broadbrimmed or legionnaires hat only
More information in the upcoming Events section
Friday 20th- Last day of Term 3- students will be dismissed at 2:30pm
Please make arrangements with Camp Australia if you can't pick up your child/ren at this earlier time
Please have a look at the 'Dates to Remember in Term 4' section of the newsletter for important dates for Term 4. Print it off and keep it on the fridge!!
Students must wear a school hat while outdoors
Students must wear a school broadbrimmed or legionnaires hat only
More information in the upcoming Events section
Monday 7th- Curriculum Day- No school for students
Tuesday 8th- Students begin Term 4
Thursday 10th- Year 6 Hip Hop Workshop
(payment/note due Tuesday 8th of October)
Wednesday 16th- Year 2 Dinner- (payment/note due Monday 14th of October)
Wednesday 16th- Foundation 2025 Transition Sessions begin
Thursday 17th- Year 6 Hip Hop Workshop
(payment/note due Tuesday 8th of October)
Wednesday 23rd- Year 1 Dinner- (payment/note due Monday 21st of October)
Friday 25th- World Teachers' Day!
Thank you to all our wonderful teachers @ DPW
Tuesday 5th- Melbourne Cup Public Holiday- No school on this day
Monday 11th- Remembrance Day- more information to come
Friday 22nd- Curriculum Day- No school for students on this day
Wednesday 27th- Celebration of Learning- more information to come
Monday 2nd- Year 3/4 Excursion
(payment/note due Thursday 28th of November)
Thursday 5th- Foundation Parents Afternoon Tea- more information to come
Tuesday 10th- Year 6 State Wide Orientation Day
Thursday 12th- Year 6 Long Day Excursion- Adventure Park
(payment/note due Tuesday 10th of December)
Friday 13th- School Concert- more information to come
Wednesday 18th- Year 6 Graduation- more information to come
Friday 20th- Last day of Term 4- Students will be dismissed at 1:30pm