Principal's Report

Senka King

End of Term - Early finish 2:30pm, Friday 20th September

Thank you to everyone for a fantastic Term 3. With many excursions, the swimming program and the school review it turned out to be quite a busy term. As always, we are very thankful for your support and ensuring that your children come to school well rested and ready to learn. Enjoy your holidays!


School Review

I was extremely proud to showcase our success through the recent school review. The panel were impressed with the progress our students are making and the quality of the teaching and learning over the last 4 years. Well done everyone!!

The reviewer will now complete the documentation which forms our Strategic Plan for the next 4 years. This Strategic Plan will have two main goals, which includes a focus on learning and the second goal on Well-Being.  Once I have more details, I will share this with School Council and the community. Thank you to everyone who participated and for your ongoing support.


Footy Colours Day

Thank you to everyone who wore their Footy colours and donated a gold coin. We raised $254 dollars for State Schools Relief. They support our families by providing uniforms for some students, so we are very happy that we can give back, so that they can continue to support families across Victoria in need.


Holiday work

During the school holidays there will be significant work at the school, including the replacement of our senior and Year 1/2 playgrounds. I know that the children are super excited about having new playgrounds to use in Term 4.

You will also notice a lot of work happening at the back of the school. I am super excited that after 3 1/2 years of planning, we have finally started our sustainability environment project. It is anticipated that this project will be completed by the end of this year. 

Have a wonderful break.


Kindest regards, 


Senka King
