School Captain News
School Captain News
What's Happening Week 2 Term 4
What's happening Week 3 Term 4
Welcome back, everyone! We hope you all had safe and enjoyable school holidays. We wish you all the best for this term and that you enjoy the last term for 2024!
Joke Time!
Why did the chicken cross the playground?
Zooper Dooper Tuesday:
This term we are starting to sell Zooper Doopers on Tuesdays for $1 each, to help raise money for the Year 6’s Graduation. First week of sales went well!
Bottle and Can Recycling:
This Term we are starting a new fundraising method: Bottle and Juice Box recycling. We will have special bins around the school to put empty bottles and cans in for charity. Using the ‘Victoria's Containers for Change Deposit Scheme’ we will be raising money for charity.
How it will work?
There will be various bins around the school, where you can put your eligible bottles and juice Boxes. Each day the School Captains and the Sustainability Leaders will collect the bins and empty them. If you have any empty juice boxes and plastic bottles at home, we ask for you to bring them to school and place them in one of the bins in your cohort.
Make sure the bottles and juice boxes have the 10c mark on them!
Behaviour Bucks:
Junior: 2D with 41 points
Senior: 5D with 34 points
Enjoy the prize that you choose as a class.
Yard Slips
The Yards slip winners for this week are:
Xavier from 1A and Varnit from 2C for being responsible.
Answer to the Joke
To get to the other slide!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Ivy, Cruz, Amelia & Lesra!