Kings Park Campus Principal Message 

We are fast approaching the end of yet another busy term at the Kings Park Campus. Thank you to all the students and staff on campus who have been working towards our Campus goals of (a) teaching literacy, numeracy, student behaviour and wellbeing (b), attendance, (c) Connectedness and Belonging and (d) Use of Routines and seating plans.


We had a number of events on Campus:

A large number of staff supported the Campus Wear It Purple Day (30th August). The Day was led by Miranda Orford and Heath Simpson (Campus Leaders) and Kylie Brookshaw (Health/PE). ‘Wear it Purple Day’ is an LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people. We are proud to celebrate this annual day and embrace diversity within our school community. As a College we endeavour to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments at each of our campuses. 


Last Friday (13th September) was RU OK? The day encourages us all to stay connected and to have conversations about mental health.  Importantly, it’s about starting a meaningful conversation with someone you notice might be struggling with life. The national theme for 2024 is, “RU OK? Any Day.” We feel very lucky to work in a school where staying connected and asking RU OK? is already part of our everyday culture. Most students do feel very comfortable opening up and reaching out to staff and each other for help. 

We celebrated ES (Education Support) Week on Friday 1st September, as an acknowledgement of the valuable work they undertake each day at work to support us, our staff, students and wider community.


Our Student Leadership Team raised funds for the Cancer Foundation on ‘Daffodil Day’. A morning tea was held on the day with a gold coin donation in addition to other fundraising activities. More then $300 was raised on behalf of the Campus.


We also held, on the 30th August, an ‘appreciation morning tea’ for all staff at each campus in recognition of work undertaken this term in supporting our students, their families and each other. 


Student Led Presentations were held last Thursday. They are a joyous celebration of our students’ learning journey. Students are required to prepare and present, to their families and campus staff, their goals and progress over the course of the year. Our students are so talented and they are bring a unique sense of themselves to their SLPs. They showcase their learning, their hobbies, their passions and their interests. It is not out of the ordinary to see them bringing in musical instruments, models and drawings. Thank you to all of our wonderful students who confidently presented and to all the staff who have prepared, supported and encouraged the students.


We would like to congratulate our students in the College Basketball Program for winning both the Year 8 and Intermediate Boys Keilor Division Tournament.


Our Year 10 Advance students recently had a guided tour of the Head Office of the Salvation Army to learning about the prevalence of homelessness and the impact it can have on the lives.

Today we interviewed current Grade 6 students (Year 7, 2025) who applied for our 2024 Scholarship Program. We received a significant number of applications, which was pleasing. We hope to notify those who were successful by the end of this week. 


Buildings and Grounds

New large entrance matts have been installed in multiple buildings and rooms.

The administration area refurbishment and renovation has engaged a builder. They will begin the physical decanting and take possession of the front of the administration building over the school holidays.

T Team quadrangle will be upgraded from an uneven bitumen into flat, artificial turf over the holidays.

Interim Reports 

For KP and Sydenham are on schedule to be released to students and families on Friday. The Delahey interim reports were published last week.



Mr Lance Petherick and Dr Michael Gruis                                   Campus Principals