Delahey Campus News

Australian Synchrotron Excursion
In August the year 12 Physics class attended an excursion to the Australian Synchrotron in Clayton. The synchrotron is a facility that accelerates electrons to 99.99999% of the speed of light in a circular vacuum chamber hundreds of metres in circumference. The purpose is to produce incredibly bright light (a million times the brightness of the Sun) in frequencies ranging from infra-red to hard X-rays.
An example application of the use of very bright X-rays means that live high-resolution X-ray videos of breathing lungs can be taken. In Australia this has resulted in a spray that can be used in premature babies to prevent their partially developed lungs from sticking during breathing. An innovation that is now being sold to countries around the world.
After an explanation of how the synchrotron works, the group was taken for a tour around the facility
Dale Moore
Physics Teacher
Community Projects
Year 11 VCE VM students are in the concluding phases of their community projects.
The first group is working in collaboration with The Lost Dogs Home to fundraise for dog toys, having generated funds through the sale of icy poles at the Delahey Campus.
The second group is coordinating with FairShare Australia to conduct a food drive across the junior campuses.
Varushcka Moodley
Health and human development and VM PDS
ABCN Program- Fujitsu
On 20th August selected Year 11 and 12 students participated in the ABCN program with Fujitsu. Students completed the Find Your Purpose workshop, that allowed students to explore future careers working closely with mentors from Fujitsu.
The day was successful and positive relationships were formed. Some student feedback received – “ABCN helped make me think of things about my career I hadn’t thought of before” and “Learning here was a great opportunity and ABCN were so helpful and inspirational”. Some mentor feedback – “Being able to give a little bit of my time to help the future generation is extremely rewarding” and “It is always fantastic engaging with the students and listening to their insightful and thoughtful questions”.
Bobby Todorovski
Campus Leader & Sports Coordinator