Delahey Campus Principal Message

Welcome Spring

This time of the year is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can be! Spring is proof that there is beauty in new beginnings. With the conclusion of term 3, Delahey students welcome new beginnings. 

Daffodil Day

The daffodil, the symbol of the fight against cancer, reminds all that ‘no matter how difficult the winter has been, daffodils are always one of the first flowers up in spring’.Thank you to the student leaders across all three campuses for their hard work in leading Daffodil Day.The Delahey Student Leadership Team took some time to spend with the staff and honour all those who have or are courageously fighting battles. 

Thank you to Mia Chricop (College Captain) for her emotional tribute, paying tribute to all who have fought hard battles.


 VCE VM Community Showcase

Congratulations to the Copperfield College VCE VM Students for their impressive 2024 ‘Community Showcase’ which occurred in week 6 of August. 




These Showcases give our Graduating students the opportunity to present their community projects. Each project was designed and built to improve the lives of less fortunate members of our community. This year our students worked for external community organisations such as Western Health, ARCARE and Beyond Disability. 


All our esteemed guests commented on the exceptional standard of the student work. On behalf of Copperfield College and the wider community thank you for your amazing efforts.




Future Pathways Presentations

The Future Pathways Presentation is a required assessment task in order to satisfy the Outcomes of Unit 4 - Portfolio Presentation WRS (Work Related Skills). 


Students presented to a panel of their teachers and key industry professionals. To best prepare our students for their Employment Aspirations, presentations were steered with the same professional conduct as a Job Interview: with particular attention to Presentation (Full School Uniform), Preparation, Time Management and Professional conduct. Congratulations to the students to all students as they endeavour into their future pathways. 


Thank you to the staff who have guided them through this journey. 

Community Partners IGA 

Thank you to Morgan’s IGA who recently presented the college with a cheque from portion of the sales from Supa Valu’s Community Co range. 


Campus Assembly

Delahey Campus held the end of term assembly on September 3rd. Led by the student leaders and organised by the Student Management Team, the college community celebrated 15 ABCN Leadership Awards along with 61 Triple R Awards.  


While Year 12 Students were reminded about VTAC requirements and the anxiety of the upcoming examinations consumed their thoughts, the performance Hypotheticals by Keysha Mumford (Vocals), Venice Uysal (Guitar), Caitlyn Vasquez (Bass Guitar), Fogaa Loli (Keyboard), Mr Coco (Drums)erased all clouds of fear, creating an environment of positivity and excitement. 


Thank you to the music staff Andrew Minard, Elisha Apurado and Michael Coco for helping showcase the exceptional musical talents of our students.  James Inabinet (Leading Teacher) acknowledged the exemplary work undertaken by VCE VM students through a sensational short film clip. 


The assembly was followed by a sausage sizzle and students wore their best sports jerseys to support Sports Colours Charity Day.  Thank you to all who make these events successful!

Hester Hornbook Academy 

Michael Freedman (Assistant Principal), Joel De La Motte (Teacher) Maddie Shultz (Youth Worker) and Billy Hickmott(Education Support Officer) from Hester Hornbrook joined the staff and students at the Delahey Campus on Wednesday, September 4th for a shadowing day experience. The team was able to experience a mainstream setting, participate in a range of events, observe the facilities the campus offers, engage in a range of lessons and partake in a range of professional dialogues. 


The feedback received was extremely positive, commending the campus in the generosity in hosting, the staff and students in making them feel welcoming and that an opportunity of deep learning was provided.

Keilor /St. Albans Network Meeting

Copperfield College hosted the Keilor/ St. Albans Network Meeting that took place on Tuesday, August 27th. Principals from primary and secondary schools convened to undertake professional learning and dialogue on a range of subjects, including Naplan and Data, Victorian Teaching and Learning Framework, Wellbeing, Think Twice Project and Early Years Transition.  


This was a great opportunity of learning, networking and a window of opportunity to showcase the college and campus.  Thank you to Nick Adamou who was an exemplary tour guide.

Upcoming Events

Several events and activities are planned for Term 4. 


These include September/ October Trial Exams which will be held during the school holidays (Monday 30th September- Thursday 3rd October).


Year 12 Celebration Day will be held Tuesday 22nd October. 


Year 12 Formal, Wednesday 27th November and the year will conclude with the Year 12 


Graduation and Awards Night that will take place Tuesday, December 17th. 

Virtual Familiarisation Video

Thank you to student leaders (from across the college) and to staff who supported and/or were featured in the Virtual Familiarisation video. This is a promotional video to be used for International Students and also for the college.  We are awaiting to see the final product. Although it was a very busy day, there was lots of buzz of excitement and fun. 


RMIT Opportunity for Bibi (Banin) Amini ( 2R2)

Discovering a Future Pathway in Fashion. 

Attending the RMIT Open Day at the Brunswick Campus on Sunday, August 11th, was an incredible experience for me. It was my first time visiting the campus, and while I felt a bit lost at first, I was grateful to have my friend Zainab, a student in the Diploma of Styling at RMIT, guide me. She introduced me to the campus, handed me a map, and a booklet outlining the available courses.

The highlight of the day was exploring Building 516 and 515, where the Bachelor students' work was showcased. Their portfolios and presentations about how the courses operate were so inspiring. I also had the chance to participate in a styling activity, where we experimented with combining clothes to create new designs. It was exciting to be recognized as a student from Copperfield College, with the staff praising the talent and sustainability focus of our school. It was such a proud moment to hear them say that Copperfield students excel in sewing and creativity.

During the event, I had the opportunity to share my passion for fashion, particularly my interest in different cultural designs and how I hope to merge those with my own unique style. I expressed my desire to create modest, yet creative designs, and was met with such warmth and encouragement. The staff even welcomed me to consider pursuing both my Bachelor and Master degrees at RMIT next year, which left me feeling incredibly valued and motivated.

This day reaffirmed my love for fashion and my aspiration to study at RMIT. I’m deeply thankful to both Copperfield College and RMIT for this opportunity to connect with the university and explore my future in fashion design.



Wishing staff, students and families a restful break.

Stay safe and see you all for a sensational Term Four


Soula Dedes 

Delahey Principal




Ms Soula Dedes                 Campus Principal