College Principal Message

Just a little more about our college…
Copperfield College is a hugely vibrant and diverse multi-campus school community that provides an outstanding Teaching & Learning environment, an innovative curriculum, and a myriad of extracurricular activities for all our students.
‘One College – Three sites – One Family’ is our mantra including three specialised campuses with outstanding facilities.
- Kings Park Junior Campus Years 7 – 10 students
- Sydenham Junior Campus Years 7 – 10 students
- Delahey Senior Campus Years 11 – 12 students
All staff at the College are committed to ensuring best possible student outcomes within a safe and supportive teaching environment. Our students are happy, resilient and outcomes driven, aiming at fulfilling their full potential.
Our mission ‘Empowering Every Student to Aspire and Achieve’ is the bedrock of all we do.
As the College Principal, I am very passionate about public education. People that know me, know how much I enjoy working in schools, talking to students, getting to know them and taking an interest in their lives and creating the relationships necessary to ensure all students are connected to our school community and they have the sense of belonging. I am a strong believer in student voice, and I acknowledge that students have unique perspectives on learning and their schooling. Every student can learn, progress, and achieve their goals.
It does not matter where our students come from, what ethnic background, religion, colour, socioeconomic background. What matters to me, and our staff is the student, the young person, and their ability to learn not to fear anything, to question and problem solve. The knowledge that we, educators, together with the school community make a difference to the lives of our young people, completely satisfies my staff and I.
I invite parents, guardians and friends of the school to take up the many opportunities offered to participate in the College activities. Make an appointment with our Campus Officers for a tour of any campus to discover firsthand, the outstanding Teaching and Learning environment our students enjoy. I look forward to seeing many families and students touring our College.
Coming closer to the VCAA VCE Year 12 exams.
The final VCAA VCE exams are fast approaching, and I take this opportunity wish to encourage all students to make good use of the upcoming two weeks break to take some relaxation and enjoyment and to also undertake significant revision and preparation for their final term for the year. On their return, our Year 12 students will have little time left at school. For parents and guardians this time can be fairly wearing as we try to encourage and support our children so that they can perform to their best levels.
It is also a little unreal as we look back and wonder how quickly the school years have passed and wonder what the coming years will bring for them. I take this opportunity, and on behalf of the school community, wish our Year 12 students, all the best for the upcoming exams and best wishes for their future.
Hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel…
Working together with our parents and guardians. “It takes a village to raise a child…”
The phrase "It takes a village to raise a child" is an African proverb that emphasizes the idea that the upbringing and nurturing of a child is a collective responsibility that extends beyond just the child's immediate family. This concept highlights the important role that parents, guardians, extended family members, friends, teachers, and the broader community play in shaping a child's development and well-being.
In today's interconnected world, the idea that "it takes a village to raise a child" remains relevant. While the specific roles and structures of communities may vary, the underlying principle of collective responsibility for the well-being and development of children continues to hold true. When parents, guardians, and the broader community work together, they can create a more positive and enriching environment for the next generation.
Research shows that parents play a critical role in their school children's academic success at every year level. Effective communication with parents has proven to be an important tool for teachers and school administrators to use as part of a planned continuum through the secondary year levels. Regardless of income or background, studies show that those parents who are engaged in schools have students who have higher test scores and higher GPAs, improved attendance, better social skills. Parental influence also is seen in students who take higher level course work, who graduate, and who go on to post-secondary studies.
The important role parents play in education is embedded in teacher evaluation programs. Many of these programs now measure how teachers and school administrators strengthen communication with parents and require evidence of these efforts. “When schools, families, and community groups work together, as a Community of Practice, to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.” That’s the conclusion of “a New Wave of Evidence”, a report from Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
The report, a synthesis of research on parent involvement over the past decade, also found that, regardless of family income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to:
- Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
- Be promoted, pass their exams, and earn credits
- Attend school regularly
- Have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school
- Graduate and go on to postsecondary education
School plays an important role in determining the levels of parental involvement in school. Specifically, schools can outline their expectations of parents and regularly communicate with parents about what children are learning. Also, schools can provide opportunities for parents to talk with school staff about parent role in their children's education through home visits, family nights, and well-planned parent-teacher conferences and open houses.
When parents talk to their children about school, expect them to do well, make sure that out-of-school activities are constructive, and help them plan for tertiary educational settings, their children perform better in school. When schools engage families in ways that improve learning and support parent involvement at home and school, students make greater gains.
At Copperfield College we endeavor to build on and strengthen our partnerships and relationships with families, respond to parent concerns, honor their contributions, and share decision-making responsibilities, empowering the parents and guardians to sustain connections aiming at improving student achievement and future pathways. As we have experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, in and out of remote and flexible learning have highlighted the critical role of a parent/guardian in their child’s education and success.
School Savings Bonus (A one-off payment to parents)
In Term 4, 2024, all Victorian families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus. The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.
The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.
We ask all Parents/carers to ensure that their contact information including correct email address is up to date with the school, as the Department of Education will email them twice:
- in October, to verify your email address
- in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus and access to an online system.
Last Day of the Term - Friday, September 20
Friday, September 15 is the last day of Term 3. I take the opportunity to wish you all a very safe and restful break and look forward to re-joining you next term.
Term 4 begins on Monday October 7.
Nick Adamou
College Principal