Grade 2 Area
Miss Kate Lyon, Miss Stella Baker-Campbell and
Mrs Amanda Johnson & Mrs Kaila Guglielmino
Grade 2 Area
Miss Kate Lyon, Miss Stella Baker-Campbell and
Mrs Amanda Johnson & Mrs Kaila Guglielmino
This term in Discovery we are learning how to classify living and non living things. We are learning about what living things need to survive and grow. It is very exciting as we had a special delivery on Tuesday of our very own chrysalis! We are learning about how to look after our chrysalis and make observations. Next week, we will look at what the right conditions are for the chrysalis to survive and change. We can't wait to see what happens!
Some observations:
There is some golden dots on them and I saw that there was a white part on the chrysalis. - Ava, 2B
Some of them are slowly losing the gold around them. - Charlie, 2B
The top of the chrysalis has a big bump. One of them is more see through than the - Mya, 2B
We can see a wing pattern on it. - Ada, 2B
There is different shades of green on the chrysalis and at the bottom of the chrysalis there is a point. - Rosie 2B
This term we have started Maths by looking at Place Value. The students created these donuts on the Chromebooks using digital models of MAB- Multibase Arithmetic Blocks. We have been exploring numbers that have 2, 3 & 4 digits.