Religious Education

St Finbar's Feast Day Mass
A reminder that we will be celebrating the End of Term and St Finbar's Feast Day with a special Mass next Friday 20th September at 9:30am.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday, September 15th
Gospel Reading
Mark 8:27-35
Peter declares that Jesus is the Christ, and Jesus teaches that those who would follow him must take up his or her cross.
Family Connection
Peter had expectations about what it meant to call Jesus the Messiah, the Christ. Jesus was indeed the Messiah, but his life and death would show a different understanding of what it means to be the Messiah. We, too, have expectations of God and our own ideas about what we think God ought to be doing in our world. Like Peter, however, we may risk limiting our image of God by thinking only in human ways. God's plan is always more that we can ever imagine.
As you gather as a family, talk about what we expect God to be doing in our world and in our family life. Then read today's Gospel, Mark 8:31-35. Why do you think Peter was so upset by what Jesus was saying? Notice how Jesus reprimands Peter. Do we sometimes forget to let God be God for us? That is, do we sometimes get discouraged because God doesn't act in our world in the ways that we expect? Pray together that we will remember that God is always working for the world's salvation in ways that are beyond our imagination.
Conclude by praying together today's psalm, Psalm 116.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader