Deputy Principal's Report

Tracking Wellbeing
At St Finbar's there are several ways that we track how our student wellbeing is going. One of these is through a program called Ripple. Laura, our Wellbeing Leader, has reviewed our current data and wanted to report back to the community some of the findings.
Students from Years 2-5 have been using Ripple as a morning check in at least three times a week. Throughout the Ripple check-ins, we can see that students have expressed that they are feeling safe, well and calm on a morning when arriving at school. Overall, students have also expressed that their top issues are that they are hungry, tired and not focused. These attributes could potentially all be closely linked.
This is just one way that teachers are checking in on a regular basis on how our kids are feeling. It can be really insightful for not just us, but parents and the wider school comminity to see if there are any trends that we can address to make school a better place for learning for our students.
We also welcome any feedback from parents on how their kids are tracking, especially if there are some ideas that might be out of the box that we may not have considered before. Feel free to get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Thanks for all your support,
Peggy McDonald & Steele Anderson
Deputy Principals