Health and Wellbeing
We are excited to announce that our Health and Wellbeing specialist lessons will continue incorporating content from the Butterfly Body Bright program this term. This is a comprehensive initiative by the Butterfly Foundation, specifically designed to promote positive body image, healthy relationships with food and physical activity in primary school students.
The Butterfly Body Bright program supports students in developing a healthy sense of self and body confidence. Research shows that body image concerns can begin early, and negative body image can lead to challenges such as disordered eating, low self-esteem, and social or academic difficulties. In today’s world, access to social media can further exacerbate these issues, making it more important than ever to address them early. By engaging in activities through this program, we aim to create a positive environment where all students can thrive, both at school and in life.
In Term Four, the Foundation and Year One students will be engaging in Body Bright lessons. Foundation students will learn how to be grateful for their bodies, identify their personal strengths and explore how they can stretch their bodies to prepare for physical activities. The Year One students will be learning about food and nutrition, how to have a positive relationship with what they eat and how to be curious about trying new foods.
We encourage you to explore the PDF below for more information about the program. Please keep an eye on our upcoming newsletters for additional resources and tips on how you can support your child in developing a positive body image at home.
Thank you for your continued support.
Craig Mather and Rhys McIntosh
Health and Wellbeing Teachers