From the Acting Leader of Curriculuum

Year 11 exams will be held from Friday, 13th September until Friday, 20th September. The girls have been issued with their exam timetable and were provided with information about the exam process in a recent year assembly. Parent support of students in their preparation for exams and during the exam block itself, is an important means of assisting your daughter to navigate this experience. As always, absence from any exam requires explanation and supporting documentation (via the Illness/Misadventure Application process) to justify the absence during an assessment tasks. If students are sick or cannot attend an examination due to misadventure, telephone contact with the school is required by 8.35am to leave a message for the Year 11 Leader, Mrs Glenda Wilson, and the Acting Curriculum Leader, Mrs Jeanette Lans.
Mrs Jeanette Lans
Acting Leader of Curriculum and Leader of English