From the Principal Leader

Dear Staff, Students, Parents and friends of Chisholm,
I am delighted that we are moving through the term with great vigour and excitement as we approach the final weeks of Term 3. The year has moved so quickly especially with the engagement of students in their learning and extra curricular activities this term such as the sports finals, special awards, recharge and reset activity day for Year 11 at Luna Park and our successful social justice activities such as the Congo Aid BBQ raising funds.
I would like to take this opportunity to warmly congratulate our beautiful Year 12 students for their outstanding commitment to learning and conscientious efforts in their recent HSC Trial Exams. After receiving their results, the Year 12 teachers and students have identified their areas of strength in each course, as well as the areas requiring additional revision, learning and consolidation. I am very pleased with the collective efforts of our Year 12 students who are enjoying their final weeks as the leaders of our fine college as the prepare to graduate and start the next chapter of their life journey ! Good luck Year 12 as you give your very best effort to excel and achieve to your potential!
May God bless you always ands keep you safe as you journey forward
Mrs Tania Cairns
Principal Leader