Wellbeing Page
Wellbeing Page
For the first half of this term the intention of the Character Strengths we focus on is to set students up for a great final term of both learning and flourishing. We look at Persistence, Curiosity, Creativity, Forgiveness and Gratitude. During the final weeks of the term the Character Strengths include Leadership, Open-Mindedness, Enthusiasm, Hope and Fairness. The aim of loooking at these is to set students up for a successful transition to 2025 and to equip them with a toolbox of strategies to build resilience and an optimistic outlook towards the future. You can follow our strengths here: https://wellbeingforprimaryschoolstudents.edublogs.org/
Our explicit lessons will focus on areas such as Positive Realtions, Positive Self-Talk and Leadership. We will also continue to teach a range of wellbeing strategies to set students up for transition success.
Here are some ideas to help your child thrive using principles from positive psychology, specifically the PERMA model, which stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Here's how you can apply it at home:
Below are the details of three workshops that we have organised for parents of children who worry :)