The Admin Page

Messages from the Office

No Hat, No Play

Students will now need to be in wide brim hats as per school policy.

Please ensure your child has a hat and it has their name clearly marked. 


We do have wide brim hats to purchase in the office for $10 if you need. We have 2 sizes available, S-M and M-L, and the hats are adjustable.

Lost Property 

A timely reminder to check that your child’s school uniform is clearly named with their name – particularly hats, jumpers and jackets. 


We have sorted through the enormous amount of Lost Property and the office have tirelessly returned all named items to children. We have come across many items unnamed or named with students who left BHPS years ago. 


If your child is wearing pre-loved, hand-me-down uniform, please check it is named with their own name so it can be returned promptly. 


If your child is missing any pre-loved, hand-me-down uniform with another student's name on it, I have some waiting for collection in the admin office. It will be here in the front office until Friday 18th October. After this time, it will be donated to the Second-Hand Uniform Shop.


Lost Property has a new look. this will be monitored on a regular basis.


Unexplained Absences

Parents, if you could please take some time to check your Childs attendance and where possible make the adjustments or if you can email the office, I can do this for you. 


If you have upcoming absences you would like to notify us of so we can note this on compass, please feel free to phone or email.


Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!