
Miss Brittany Ansons, Miss Holly McGowan, Mrs Kristina Yanuli, Mrs Rowena Lytton,

Kate Warburton, Nicole Riley & Amanda Douvos.



To celebrate the end of our Ready to Learn program, the Grade 5/6 students took part in a fun and meaningful "snowball fight." Before launching their paper snowballs across the room, each student wrote something positive they had enjoyed about the program. Laughter and excitement filled the air as snowballs flew in every direction! In the end, each student picked up a new snowball and read someone else’s reflection, giving them a chance to appreciate the many highlights of the past two weeks. It was a fantastic way to wrap up our Ready to Learn journey and reflect on all the valuable lessons and experiences we’ve shared.


Health & Safety 🏥 🩺

Learning About Asthma & Anaphylaxis 

Recently, students took part in an important Health & Safety lesson focused on asthma and anaphylaxis. They engaged in discussions about the signs and symptoms of these conditions, learning how to recognise when someone might need help. Students explored common triggers, what to do in an emergency, and why awareness is important. Students then created informative posters highlighting key symptoms such as:

Asthma: Can cause breathing difficulties, wheezing, and coughing, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest

Anaphylaxis: Is a severe allergic reaction that can include swelling, difficulty breathing, rash, dizziness, and a drop in blood pressure

Knowing these signs helps us respond quickly in an emergency.


To further understand the seriousness of these conditions, students learnt about members in our school community who are asthmatic or anaphylactic and why it’s important to be aware of this. We also discussed how we can help everyone feel safe and included by being mindful of food allergies, and ensuring classmates with asthma have access to their puffers when needed.


A highlight of the lesson was practicing how to administer a training EpiPen, giving students hands-on experience with how to respond in an emergency. This activity helped reinforce the importance of staying calm and acting quickly when someone is in need.

By understanding asthma and allergies, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for everyone! 💙✨


As the 5/6 – Prep Buddies program comes to an end, the 5/6 students have cherished the opportunity to mentor, support, and build friendships with their younger peers. Over the past few weeks, they have guided their buddies through activities, shared stories, and helped them feel more confident in the school environment. It has been heartwarming to see the connections grow, with plenty of smiles, high-fives, and special moments along the way. As we wrap up the program, our Grade 5/6 students can be proud of the positive impact they’ve had, leaving their Prep buddies with wonderful memories and a strong sense of belonging in our school community.


Thank you to the lovely prep teachers for giving us the opportunity to step up! We can't wait for the Teddy Bear Picnic at the end of term :)