Prep Area
Mrs Gagliardi, Mrs Josie Stocchero and Ms Neighbour
Prep Area
Mrs Gagliardi, Mrs Josie Stocchero and Ms Neighbour
Wow! We are well into Term 1. Our wonderful Preps have settled in beautifully into the routines of school life and are doing lots of amazing learning.
Thank you to all our amazing parents for assisting and encouraging their children to come in and get organised each morning. Thank you also for your attendance for our Meet the Teacher last week.
Lots of great learning over the last couple of weeks in Prep. We have been focusing on 'patterns' and all the different objects we can use in the classroom to make patterns. We even made bracelets with different coloured patterns for Mrs Crane, and the students were super excited and proud to give them to her. This week we also looked at counting collections of objects and understanding which is 'more or less'. The students have shown a great understanding of these concepts. Well done Preps!
It's hard to believe but after only 4 weeks of being at school, our wonderful preps are doing some amazing work in Writing. We have been reading some of Joy Cowley's funny stories first and the students are then tracing and copying sentences about them. They are learning to form their letters and hold their pencils correctly, as well as writing on the lines.
Last Friday for our Language Experience activity, the students all created 'tin foil' pictures.
T was one of our focus letters for the week so we all made pictures using tin foil. The pictures were all amazing and unique and the children all had a go at spelling the word 'tin'. Make sure you come and check out these amazing pieces of work in your child's classroom.
Over the last few weeks, we have been concentrating on 'feelings and emotions' in
our Wellbeing lessons. We particularly looked at healthy and unhealthy habits and how these activities affect how we feel. The students ended the lesson with dancing to the song 'Happy' while trying to keep some balloons up in the air. They had lots of fun!