Principal Update

Principal Report Thursday, December 19, 2024
We are nearing the end of the 2024 school year, which has been another big year for everyone. Last night we had our last School Council Meeting for 2024, which was a nice opportunity to reflect on the many experiences and achievements offered throughout the year.
Part of my report to School Council focuses on highlighting the many varied opportunities that our students are offered, and it is always with pride that we acknowledge student achievement (both inside and outside the classroom), through our many programs as well as our connections to our community and opportunities presented to get involved and others to get involved as well.
Our last whole school community event is happening this afternoon straight after school. There will be a BBQ, some popcorn and fairy floss plus a special visitor may make an appearance around 4:30pm. We hope to see many of you there to spend some time together before we finish the school year.
Classes for 2025 - updated
On Tuesday 10 December we had our current Year 6 students go to their secondary schools and we welcomed our new Foundation students. We also had a chance for the 2025 classes to meet for the first time. I thank the staff for creating classes that balance the academic, social/emotional and behavioural needs of our students.
Since then, we have needed to do a reshuffle of our class structures as Natalie Woodgate has accepted a position at Narre Warren North PS.
We will now have 4 classes next year
- Foundation/Year /Year 2 combined - teacher Jane De Lorenzo
- 3/4 combined - Alison Scott (Mon/Thurs), Courtney Gilmour (Tues, Wed, Fri
- 5/6D - teacher Daniel Sutera
- 5/6S – teacher Sonya McLeod
We understand that this last minute change is not ideal, however we see some great opportunities with this arrangement for our specialist teachers to be involved in the classroom at times to support our classroom teachers and build stronger connections with our students in different environments. This will also provide greater support for both our students and teachers as well.
Specialist structure
- Performing Arts and STEM – Lauren Keunen
- PE – Dale McInerney
- Visual Arts – Kate Watkins
- AUSLAN – Kirsten Varga
- Plot to Pot fortnightly - Rosie Luyken and Sarah Homans
- Literacy Support/Learning Intervention – Alison Scott (Tues/Wed)
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader – Kate Watkins
- Chaplain – Hollie Boniface
Cool Cats
This has been a school-based learning support program run by Alison Scott for the equivalent of 2 days a week. During the last few years, we have been able to extend this to include the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI).
Next year, we will be absorbing Cool Cats into TLI. TLI is a Department of Education funded initiative and more information can be found on their website:
Students who are requiring additional support (outside of ES support) will be supported through the TLI. Students identified as Needing Additional Support from their Year 3 or Year 5 NAPLAN results are automatically identified for TLI support; as well as our own identified students across the school for the equivalent of 1.5 days a week.
Pleasingly with our focus on Reading we have seen less intervention support required in the Junior school and have been able to focus on the students in Years 3 - 6. This will continue next year. In saying that, this will also be supported by the opportunities for our Specialist teachers to assist in the classrooms throughout the week also which again will be of great benefit for our students and classroom teachers.
We will still be looking for parent and/or grandparent support to deliver TLI so please feel free to reach out in 2025 to know more about how to get involved.
2025 School Captains
As communicated Friday our School Captains for 2025 will be Frankie, Heath, Indigo and Lachlan. Congratulations to these students. We were very proud of each of the students who were nominated and the way they presented themselves and delivered their speeches. It was also impressive how well they conducted themselves knowing that not everyone was going to be happy and that some would be disappointed.
Thank you
It has been a huge 2024 and I am proud of what we have been able to provide our students with the support of our school community. Reading the student reports and seeing the progress being made is very pleasing.
Thanks to our wonderful and dedicated staff (teachers, ES, admin) who work so hard to support our students and families.
I would like to thank the School Council for their combined efforts, support, advice and contribution again this year. I have valued the community support you provide.
I wish you all a well-deserved break and hope everyone enjoys spending quality time together with family and friends. Be kind to one another, enjoy the holidays and we will see you back at school on Thursday January 30.
A reminder that we will have our end of year assembly at 1:00pm on Friday 20 December and will finish school at 1:30pm.
Take care,