From the Assistant Principal 

Miss Kim Bailey

Have a great holiday!

Term 2 has been a very busy term with a variety of extracurricular activities. Thanks to all students, staff and parents for their support this term.


Remember, this Friday is a Staff Development Day/Pupil Free Day, as is Monday 22 July. Terms 3 commences for students on Tuesday 23 July.


Reports will be distributed on Wednesday. They will also be available via the Compass portal.

Write a Book in a Day

Congratulations to the students who participated in the Write a Book in a Day event today. Write a Book in a Day is a fun and creative team writing competition for students with some very unique aspects: 

  • It involved a collaborative team effort where students plan, write and illustrate a book. 
  • Every story grows from a unique set of parameters that are given to each writing team.

Good Luck...

Makayde Goldman

Good luck to Makayde Goldman, who was selected in the U15s Northern NSW Football squad for the 2024 National Youth Championships in Melbourne from 3 to 8 July. 

Matilda Thompson

Good luck to Matilda Thompson, who was selected for the NSWCCC Girls Under 16s Rugby League team. The team will compete this week.


Hannah Bourke

Good luck to Hannah Bourke, who is trialling on Wednesday for the Diocessan Open Netball Team.


National Limousin Junior Camp

The National Limousin Junior camp allows students to develop their cattle handling, judging and showing skills. Over the camp period, the students will have lessons from industry leaders in their field, giving your child a unique opportunity to enhance their level of knowledge. The camp will commence on Thursday 4 July and finish on Sunday 7 July at the Wingham Showground. 


Good luck to Josie Harvey and Sarah Page, who will be representing Holy Trinity.


Year 10 and Year 2

Last Thursday, Year 10 helped Year 2 with their reading, and then they completed a book review together. This is one of the many benefits of having K-10 on one site!


Sometimes, good deeds do go unnoticed, and at Holy Trinity, we would like to change this.

Students were offered the opportunity to thank and recognise peers for the good things that always happen.

Students were encouraged to tell us about someone who followed our 'Rules for Living'. 


The acknowledgement is anonymous and collected via Google Forms. Below are some of the reasons for the acknowledgement in their own words.


Positive outlook on life and consistent kindness to those around her.


Has been very caring and helpful towards others and is always looking out for people.


He is always bringing a smile into the playground and makes you feel better when you’re feeling down.


They are kind , respectful, funny and make me feel a sense of belonging.


They make me feel liked.


He always shows a respectful attitude towards his peers.


Befriended me when school just started, when I didn’t know anyone and never made me feel alone.


Always kind and positive.


He's a nice, encouraging guy, very positive, and he deserves to be on this list.


She makes me feel happy, whenever I’m feeling down or not the best she is always there to light up my day by making me laugh.


He is such a good friend.


Despite anything going on in her life she is still there for me and everyone around her, giving everyone else support and a shoulder to cry on.


The students who were 'rated by a mate' will receive a certificate.

Congratulations to the following students.

Kirby Kasper 7
Zara Butcher 7
Lachlan Tindall7
Kane Cameron7
Emina O’Neill-Yee 7
Sidharth Ramesh7
Jacob Kim7
Flynn Ellis-Brien7
Ryan Hill7
Isadora Brandao 7
Savannah Golding7
Dominic Kenny7
Baxter Hawkins7
Nate Reynolds7
Ella Walford7
Luke Readett7
Demi Goldman7
Miley Taber7
Chloe Worgan7
Dustin Taber 7
Naomi Robinson7
Beau Butcher7
Willow Garrett7
Meleah Swadling 7
Chloe Worgan 7
Kaylee Woolcott7
Toby McCudden7
Ruby Parrella7
Pippa Lynch7
Millie Wilson7
Kier Afable7
Tamsin Pettiford 8
Glen Walford 8
Heath Watchirs8
Kadee O’Connell8
Madyson Higgins8
Piper Richards 8
Jaxon Taber 8
Seth O'Neill-Yee8
Fred Miller8
Mack McGavin8
Nathaniel O'Connell8
Harriett Webber 8
Brian Hancock 8
Darcy Oakes8
Ella Fittler8
Brooke Martel8
Bethany Pearse 8
Kadia Tyers8
Sophie Neppl8
Jelena Durmisevic8
Millie Taylor8
Hannah Sanderson9
Angus Norman9
Alexzel Cleary 9
Aksel Hutchings 9
Will Campbell9
Josie Harvey 9
Rory Tonkin9
Jed Emery9
Cooper Wilson9
Jacob Robinson 9
Hannah Bourke 10
Sarah Page10
Geno Simbajon10
Lidiya Varghese 10
April Neppl10
Jack Sinclair 10
Kobie Cox 10
Thomas Taylor10
Yinyin Xue10
Madison Ellis10
Charlotte Ellis10
Jessica Hill10

Year 10 Transition

Year 10 will begin their Transition to Years 11 and 12 next term. Careers Advisors from Inverell High (Mr Peter Dal Santo) and Macintyre High (Mrs Deb Snaith) will visit Holy Trinity next term. Students will also visit both schools as part of the Transition process. The following dates have been set.

Macintyre High School

  • Tuesday 23 July: Macintyre High will visit Holy Trinity.
  • Monday 29 July: HTS students will go to MHS to participate in their My Futures workshops and then discuss subjects informally with teachers.
  • Thursday 1 August: MHS Information Evening.

Inverell High School

  • Friday 2 August: Inverell High will visit Holy Trinity
  • Wednesday 7 August: HTS students will go to IHS.
  • Tuesday 13 August: IHS Information Evening.

More information will be available soon.

Making the most of opportunities...



ICAS - Assessment Platform (Available to Years 3-10)

What is ICAS?  ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics and Science.  Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.   We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year.  


 How to participate in ICAS  If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:  

1. Read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (  

2. Go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here:(  

3. Enter our school’s access code – [insert access code]  (Our code is XEQ247)

4. Enter your child’s details and select the tests you would like to purchase.


All payments must be done online, as this is an external assessment. 


English: 12-16 August

Mathematics: 26-30 August

Science: 19-23 August


Closing date: 15 July 2024. 

REMEMBER to accept the invitation to Google Classroom Guardian Summaries

Device Policy

Students are not permitted to use their devices unless instructed by a teacher. This includes both the classroom and the playground. The students are aware of this policy and receive constant reminders in Pastoral Care and their teaching classes. There are also many posters displayed all around the school.


If a student needs to use their device, they must first seek permission from a teacher and use it in an area designated by the teacher. This is usually under their direct supervision or outside the Secondary staffroom.


If students are unable to follow this policy, their phones are confiscated and placed securely in Miss Bailey's office, where they are collected by the student at the end of the school day. 


Teachers record each time a device is confiscated. After it is confiscated for a second time, it remains at school until it can be collected by a parent or carer. 




We all have unique preferences when it comes to learning. Some students thrive in group settings, while others prefer solitary work. Certain individuals enjoy discussing topics over the phone or video calls, while some thrive in face-to-face collaborations. The saying "two heads are better than one" holds true, and it is interesting to explore how this applies to different types of students.


If you tend to work alone most of the time, there are a few aspects worth considering:


It's commendable that you are self-sufficient and confident in your abilities. However, it's important to recognise that at times, not asking for help when needed can make things more challenging for yourself. Don't hesitate to seek assistance when facing difficulties or struggling to comprehend something. Asking for help is a valuable skill that contributes to academic success. Become more aware of your tendency to avoid asking for help and make an effort to reach out when needed.


Engaging in discussions with others often offers fresh perspectives and the opportunity to clarify your thoughts. By collaborating and exchanging ideas with another person, you may enhance the development of your own concepts and uncover potential issues that a new perspective can identify. If you haven't explored collaboration extensively, consider giving it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised by the value it adds to your learning experience.


On the other hand, if you already enjoy working with others, here are some points to keep in mind:


Ensure that you contribute equally in group work and avoid relying on others to do all the work for you. Fair and balanced participation leads to a more productive and fulfilling collaborative environment.


Remember that collaboration is distinct from cheating. While discussing an assignment and sharing thoughts on its approach is acceptable, it is not appropriate to jointly write the assignment or submit similar pieces of work. Maintain academic integrity and respect the boundaries of collaborative efforts.


Stay focused and avoid wasting time during collaborative sessions. It's easy to get sidetracked, so make a conscious effort to remain on task and avoid distractions when working with others.


Occasionally, challenge yourself to tackle tasks independently. If you consistently rely on your friends to complete your Maths homework, you may not truly gauge your own abilities. This lack of self-assessment can become problematic during tests or exams. Consider whether collaboration will genuinely enhance your work or if it is more suitable to attempt certain tasks on your own.


Allocate specific time for independent work each night. If you prefer to collaborate while working from home, establish dedicated periods for collaboration and separate blocks for independent work. Avoid spending the entire evening on video calls with friends and instead create a balance between collaboration and individual effort.


By reflecting on these points and adapting your approach to learning, you can maximize your potential and create a well-rounded academic experience. Embrace the strengths of both solitary work and collaboration and leverage them accordingly to foster personal growth and academic achievement.

Making Contact with Teachers in the Secondary

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning or wellbeing, please contact Miss Bailey, your child's Pastoral Care teacher or their subject teacher. We are only too happy to assist.

Pastoral Care Teachers

 Year 7:    

7E - Mr Peter Ehsman

7J – Mr Jack Jeffery

7K - Miss Kristina Majetic

7M – Mrs Veronica McCormick

Year 8:  

8G - Mr Anthony Gaias

8M - Mrs Christine McLachlan 

8T -  Mrs Kathy Townsend 

8W - Mr Sam White

Year 9:    

9C – Miss Claudia Cush

9E - Mrs Angela East

9U - Mr Uebergang

Year 10:  

10B - Miss Kim Bailey 

10K - Mr David Koch

Students and parents are encouraged to approach the relevant Pastoral Care teacher if they need assistance.

Stage Leaders

Stage 4 - Mr Anthony Gaias

Stage 5 - Mrs Angela East

7 - 10 Staff Email Addresses

Miss Kim Bailey

Miss Claudia Cush

Mrs Claudia Dolbel

Mrs Angela East

Mr Peter Ehsman

Mr Anthony Gaias

Miss Alana Goldman

Mrs Mary-Jane Guest

Mrs Malynda Hiscock

Mr Jack Jeffery

Mr David Koch

Miss Kristina Majetic

Mrs Veronica McCormick

Ms Christine McLachlan

Mr Matthew Pye

Mrs Jane Taylor

Mrs Katherine Townsend

Mr Blake Uebergang

Mrs Carrie Watchirs

Mr Sam White


Staff can be contacted directly using the email address above or via the Compass portal.