Mrs Mary-Jane Guest


Fr Damian Locke

Fr Damian Locke from the Armidale Cathedral came and spoke to our Year 10 students last week as part of their RE Unit -  Sacraments at the Service of Communion. Fr Damian was ordained into the priesthood just 3 years ago. He spoke with the students about his calling to become a priest and how it took him 20 years to answer God's gentle whispers - Fr Damian worked for airline company Emirates prior to him entering the seminary. Our Year 10 students are working through an assessment to analyse and reflect on the concepts of service and leadership and its connection to the Sacrament of Holy Orders. 

We appreciate Fr Damian coming over and taking the time to speak with our students.

Vinnies Service Medallion 

We are excited to introduce the Vinnies Service Medallion (VSM) Program to Year 7 students at Holy Trinity School. The VSM program offers a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in meaningful community service activities, develop valuable life skills, and earn formal recognition for their efforts.

Last Friday, our Year 7 students met with Cassie and Maggie from Vinnies to learn more about the program and how they can be the first HTS group to take on this initiative. VSM is a tiered program that allows students to continue to work through the levels until they finish High School. 

What is the VSM Program?

The Vinnies Service Medallion Program is designed to encourage and recognise student involvement in community service. Through various activities such as the Vinnies Winter Appeal or food drives, students will learn the importance of helping others and putting their faith into action.

How Can Students Participate?

Students can participate in numerous ways, including organising drives, participating in fundraising events, and supporting local community initiatives. The program is flexible and can be tailored to fit each student’s schedule and interests.

Benefits for Students:

  • Enhances knowledge of key social justice issues.
  • Develops important skills like teamwork, leadership, and organisation.
  • Provides opportunities to make a tangible impact in the community.
  • Enhances resumes and potential university applications with documentation.

VSM is an opt-in program, and notes will be sent home with our Year 7 students this week to seek permission and participation. 


Pizza Day - Winter Appeal

The K to 6 Pizza Day which is being held tomorrow, is to raise much needed money for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. The money will be donated to our local Inverell SVDP branch, and they will use the money to purchase warm blankets, extra warm clothing, or swag. Thank you for supporting the Winter Appeal by ordering pizza!

School Mass Times

Please note that school Mass times are now 9:30 am at Sacred Heart Church. Please remember that hot beverages should not be brought into the church.

Sacred Heart Mass Times

5:30 pm Saturday evenings (Winter months)

9:00 am Sunday mornings

For the Calendar

Term 2 2024

Friday 5 July 

- Pupil Free Day - End of Term 2

Term 3 2024

Friday 2 August 

- 4WL Mass 9:30 am at SHC

Friday 9 August 

- Year 9 Mass 9:30 am at SHC

Friday 16 August 

- 1M Prayer Celebration 9:30 am at SHC

Friday 23 August 

- No Mass

Friday 30 August 

- Father's Day Breakfast

Tuesday 3 September 

- CLD Year 8

Wednesday 4 September 

- CLD Year 9

Thursday 5 September 

- First Reconciliation

Sunday 8 September 

- First Holy Communion

Friday 13 September 

- KD Prayer Celebration 9:30 am at SHC

Friday 20 September 

- 6T Mass 9:30 am at SHC

First Holy Communion

Sunday 8th September at 9am


Enjoy your week and the school holidays,

God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator