Mrs Jillian Rainger

End of Term 2 

As I reflect on the term, I am always blown away by how quickly it has gone and how much we have done in the last 10 weeks. The students have been busy in and out of the classroom. Just looking at the school calendar and reading the student's reports reminds me that we really try to fulfil our school motto of "to have life and to have it to the full" by giving students learning experiences that encourage growth and challenge along with extracurricular activities that promote belonging, connection and passion. 


I would like to thank our students for their commitment to being active and involved learners, our staff for making all these things happen, and our families for their ongoing support of the school. By scrolling through our Facebook page, which does not include all school events but a lot of them, you can certainly get a picture of the term and the fun and learning our students have experienced. 

Visit to Catherine McAuley, Tumut and St Anne's, Temora

Last week I had a great experience visiting the two schools above. Both currently have their first Year 12 class after moving to having Year 11 for the first time in 2023. I got an appreciation for what needs to happen and understanding of the processes and requirements to take the next steps in making this a reality. I will continue to work with the ACSO in seeing whether this is a viable option  for Holy Trinity School.

Staff Development Days/Pupil Free Days

As you are aware, this Friday 5 July and the Monday 22 July are PUPIL FREE DAYS. Students start Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July.

On both days, teaching staff will review and plan teaching and learning programs using the new NSW syllabus in many Key Learning Areas. Over the next five years, a new curriculum is being rolled out in all areas and involves preparation time. We appreciate families' support of this work by organising care for their children on these days.


Wishing you all a good rest from the school routine! 
