Digital Technology

What a term it has been. We have focussed on developing our problem solving skills in a variety of ways. This has included, using planks to construct 2D and 3D shapes and buildings, collecting and sorting data and writing code. 

Over the last two weeks, the students in  year 1 & 2  used their problem solving skills to creatively sort out sets of data according to attributes they have collectively decided upon. 

In Year 3 & 4, the students have been extending their coding skills, by following set instructions to create monsters. Using Blockly coding language, the students have been learning how to write code to add in features including eyes, clothing and changing colours. 

In Year 5 & 6, the students have been learning how to program micro bits. The micro:bit allows children to learn about how computers work. Through writing simple coding and programming the students have learnt about how they can change colours, lights and sounds using the Micro Bit.