Community Winter Warmth

Amanda Gargett - President, Friends of Donvale (FOD)

As the weather turned colder, FOD set about warming the hearts and tummies of our community. This has been a great term where we have had the opportunity to offer fun, treats and a sense of community to students and families across the entire school.

On a sunny but chilly winter’s day, FOD joined with the Secondary SRC initiative to raise money for MND research. While some bodies were being iced in the dunk tank, we were selling icing of a different kind - the kind that covers delicious Krispy Kreme donuts! We raised $799.15 and at the same time enjoyed the opportunity to say hello and have a chat with our Secondary students and staff.


We are so looking forward to heading across to Hall Road next term with donuts for the Year 9s!

Our annual Junior Disco was again a highlight of our calendar. We had over 500 people attend: that's students in Prep to Year 2, their parents and siblings. Students enjoyed their treat bags in between dancing, music and games as well as a photo booth and pizza. Parents and siblings were also treated to snacks and drinks. What an epic effort from our FOD team and volunteers!


Primary tummies were warmed up yesterday with hot chocolates served by our team. “Mmmm! This is so sweet!” and “This will warm us up!” were heard as students walked away as well as LOTS of “Thank yous!” which we always love to hear.


If you’ve been to a Worship Assembly this term you would have seen us there serving tea and coffee and offering an opportunity for fellowship with other parents before assembly starts. Please join us next term.


Our next event will be here before we know it because it is happening before school even starts next term.


The Year 4s are heading to RUSH on the last Monday of the holidays, 15 July.  Keep an eye out for your invitation and don’t forget to make your booking so you don’t miss out!