
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

The Power of Prayer 

What do you think of when you hear the word “Prayer?” It can be a difficult concept to explain. Prayer is an opportunity for God to hear our voice, to call out to Him to help us with all our needs and to establish our faith in Him. Many people wonder what prayer is for and how it works, sometimes thinking of it like a vending machine where we put in prayers and get results. But prayer is more about being present, being open, and learning to be ourselves. When we pray, God can work in us and through us, it requires our focus to truly experience His grace and divinity. The more we talk and spend time with someone the more we get to know them. The same thing happens when we spend time in prayer connecting with God. The more time we spend talking to Him, the closer we will become!


Prayer is a way of relating to God, ourselves and those around us. God wants to hear our voice and we call out to Him to help us in all our needs. If we open our hearts and minds to God, we are challenged to grow, change, and love. We often spend and make time for our families and friends, so in making time for prayer, we are seeking to spend time and strengthen our relationship with God. Prayer can look in a variety of ways, for some, it may be meditation, for others it could be through actions and helping those in need. For some of us, it may be through song or dance, or for others, prayer is conversation; aloud or in public. For many, it is nothing but silence. 


Saint Teresa of Avila described prayer as “a loving conversation with the one I know loves me. It is a love-talk with God. With the eyes of faith, I see his acts of love in my life. Love draws love. I spontaneously want to love him in return. When I pray, I first think of God for his love and simply say, “I love you too.”


Ways prayer can benefit us in our daily lives


1. Prayer can help us focus on what is important.

2. Prayer can help us to stay hopeful in dark times.

3. Prayer can help us feel connected to God on a deeper level.

4. Prayer can help us deal with difficult emotions and situations.

5. Prayer can help us find comfort and peace.

6. Prayer can help us develop a stronger relationship with God.

7. Prayer can help us become more compassionate people.

8. Prayer can give us strength during difficult times.

9. Prayer can help keep our minds and thoughts clear.

10. Prayer is a way of communicating with Jesus and asking for guidance and support in our lives.


For Jesus, prayer was a vital source of strength, and it can be the same for us as we draw closer to Him. In our fast-paced modern world, filled with daily tasks, obligations, and commitments, we should parallel the prayer life Jesus demonstrated. Prayer can be a sanctuary for us like it was for Jesus!




Oh God, strengthen my prayer life. Help me to pray more. Nudge me to pray when I’m doing mindless tasks. Help me to truly know who I am in Christ, to understand that You always hear me, to know Your Word so I can pray it, to write down my own prayer needs and the needs of others, and to know that You do know me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.



Term 2 Grade Masses 

This term, each grade will celebrate mass. This is a special time for each grade to come together and take part in the Eucharist. 

Masses remaining for the term are as follows:

  • Year 2 & 4 Mass - Friday 14th June
  • Year 3 Mass - Friday 28th June