Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Tell Them from Me

In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.

We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School.

The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below: 


During the next week, all students from Years 4 to 6 will be given the opportunity and time to participate in this survey during regular school hours. Students will be given a random username and password to access and complete the survey online. Students’ names cannot be linked to their responses which allows it to be completely anonymous. Results will show all student scores combined together – it is not possible to single out individual students in the results.

The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey measures include such topics as emotional and social well-being, physical health, and behaviours and attitudes linked to student success. 


Peaceful Kids Program

Our Peaceful Kids Program is underway with two groups of students from Year 5.

Mrs Aboumelhem and Ms Tsokas have commented on the wonderful way in which the students are participating in the various aspects of the program and how they have already started to use some of the techniques they have learned during class time and on the playground. 

This program is a great tool to help develop the 'whole child' whilst building skills for greater social and emotional intelligence!





God bless,
