Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia and two future projects

Kasenya Grant


Last Monday I had the pleasure of visiting the residence of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia with Ian Adams, our gardener and former Environmental Science teacher.

We were there to meet with Ibu Mantarina, the wife of the Consulate General and Mbak Fitri, a representative of the Information, Social and Cultural Affairs department of the consulate to discuss and seek support for two projects. 

One project is the KEBUN (Indonesian Food Garden) that Ian has initiated as part of his master’s research. Ibu Mantarina is a keen gardener, she gave us a tour of her garden discussing the food plants she has been growing with the help of her gardener, providing us with lots of tips and tricks. Then over some delicious Indonesian snacks, discussing the uses and recipes for the plants she grows. We also tasted some of her homemade jamu – herbal medicine. She has been kind enough to share her recipe and I am looking forward to sharing this turmeric and fragrant spice-based tonic with middle school students next term.

We also discussed a project initiated by Indonesian student leader Elanor Lee, a project that the other Indonesian leaders, the Art leaders and Enviro leaders have all been collaborating on and supporting each other with. Elanor’s idea was to have a mural that some how represents our school’s relationship with Indonesia. The consulate has given us permission to use a representation of Garuda, the mythical eagle used in Indonesia’s national emblem. A graphic designer from the consulate is working with our art leaders on some traditional designs to decorate the body of the eagle with. They have also approved us using Indonesia’s national motto “Unity in Diversity” in the mural. (Our EnviroScience leaders are currently seeking permission from local Wurundjeri Elders to use an image of Bunjil in the same mural, depicting Bunjil and Garuda as friends.)

As a result of this meeting, our school has also been privileged enough to receive an invitation from the consulate for a group of our students to attend the Indonesian Independence Day celebrations taking place at the consulate on August 17 – there will be more information about this as the details are worked out.

All in all, an enjoyable and productive day that has nurtured mutual support and respect between BNWPS and the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia.