Student Wellbeing

Vianney's Values - Integrity
We have been focusing on the value of Integrity. The students have been learning about how you can show integrity. We are learning how to make safe and responsible choices. We can be trustworthy and honest friends. In the playground we choose to include others and play fairly.
It would be great if you could continue the discussion at home and use the same language, to help embed our values into our school community. Integrity is an advanced word that connects back to honesty and always telling the truth, even when others aren’t around. We will also use honesty and perseverance to try our hardest, even when something seems too tough and we would rather give up! At home honesty and perseverance can help us add even more kindness to our lives!
Talk with your child about the importance of being honest, even when no one is around. What does integrity look like in your home? How can we make choices that reflect honesty and integrity?
Responsible Decision Making and Integrity
We are exploring the connection between Integrity and Responsible Decision Making.
Students are learning to identify consequences of their actions. They are making decisions that keep themselves and others safe. Students are learning to reflect on behaviour and and how to make good/better decisions. They can explain the difference between a good choice and a poor choice.