From the Office

Return It Container Deposit Scheme
Thank you to the families who have sent household recycling items and a special thanks to Brad (dad to Dion 3/4H & Savannah Prep A) for depositing the containers on behalf of the school.
Most aluminium, glass, plastic and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. You can keep the lids on as it will be recycled too. Look for the 10c mark on the drink container label. It is often located near the barcode.
Please note
1 the containers have to be a minimum size of 150ml.
2 can’t be plain milk containers (even though they say 10c that relates to other states).
3 need to be only drinking containers eg. no pancake mix containers etc.,
Also note, the following plastic containers (as per image below) cannot be recycled here.
Catholic Secondary School Applications
Applications (for Year 7 entry) are due in Grade 5. Applications for Year 7 2026 close on Friday 16th August, 2024.
If your child is currently in Year 5, and you wish to enrol them in a Catholic secondary school, please ensure you have submitted the application by the deadline.
Australian Dental Health
Free Dental at our school
The Australian Dental Health Van will be visiting our school on the week of 15th July 2024 - that is the first week back in Term 3. Forms were sent home with your child earlier this week.
Please ensure you send the completed forms to the school office if you want your child to be seen by the visiting dental health professional.
The Dental Service is funded by Australian Dental Health Victoria and the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). The Australian Government determines the eligibility criteria for CDBS. You do not pay for this service and the organisation will check eligibility for you.
Medicare CDBS eligible: no out of pocket costs for dental treatments
Not CDBS eligible: ADHV will self-fund a FREE Dental Health screening
The service can provide Dental Health Screens, check-ups, cleans and preventative and general dental care at school in a fully functional dental truck - just like a dental clinic.
If you would like to attend the clinic with your child or have any questions, please contact the ADHV directly on (03) 9323 9607